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Disappointing Marine Recruitment Expereince


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so my best friend is 28 yrs old, has a master's degree in architecture and has found himself unable to find a job. he's decided he wants to join the military, using his education possibly in the service, and possibly gaining some military expereince to possibly apply for the fbi in the future.




anywho, he's at a marine recruitment office in chicago, and the (african american) recruiter says let me get my superior on the phone since you have this education and want to be an officer. recruiter makes the phone call on speaker phone: "superior" on the other end after getting some info asks, while on speaker phone unknowingly: "is he white?" recruiter says "yes" so called superior on the other line says: "i don't want any white guys"




i don't have words for this. :headpop:

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If your buddy could prove this, you could have them both up for at least a general courtmartial under the UCMJ. But it will be just his word against theirs. A civilian lawyer could raise hell about stuff like this.


oh i know, i told my buddy not to let this go, but he's completely turned off by the whole thing, even before that happened, his whole expereince was bad, unreal.


he should've really not let it go right then and there, now its like you said, one word against the marines. i would've spoke up right then on speaker, and raised heck right there, and not let it stop all day.

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Your friend should report that immediately to his Representative in Washington, then the Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, and then the Secretary of Defense.


He should then go across the street and talk to the U.S. Army about enlisting for OCS as an Engineer. With a degree in architecture, they should fall all over themselves to sign him up. He should also look at the Navy Seabees.

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He should then go across the street and talk to the U.S. Army about enlisting for OCS as an Engineer. With a degree in architecture, they should fall all over themselves to sign him up.


he already has, and is going again for something tomorrow, something about the army corpse of engineers, sorry if thats the same, i'm ignorant here.


but i hate to see him let this crap go by, it would've been the biggest deal in all chicago if it was the other way around.

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Yep. "OCS" = Officer Candidate School. The way it works is (at least, the way it worked when I enlisted), he enlists as an enlisted soldier, and goes through normal Basic Training and AIT (Advanced Individual Training) as an enlisted man. Following AIT he will be assigned to an OCS unit. When I was in, OCS for the Corps of Engineers was at Fort Belvoir, VA. That lasts six months (unless they've changed the protocol ... which is very possible, considering how long ago I enlisted).


If he survives Basic, AIT and OCS, upon completion of OCS his original enlistment is terminated, he is commissioned as a Second Lieutenant, and he starts over with a new commitment as a commissioned officer.


I don't think any of the services offer direct commissions any more (other than chaplains and doctors), so regardless of whether he's looking at the Army, the Navy, Uncle Sam's Mountain Climbers or the Air Farce, the basic setup will most likely be about the same.







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I just found this in the on-line news:


http://my.att.net/s/editorial.dll?froms ... h=ne&ch=ne


I really REALLY think your friend should report the incident to the people I suggested above. Chances are, that unnamed superior has a track record that will show up loud and clear if anyone starts looking at it. That attitude is not acceptable.

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I just found this in the on-line news:


http://my.att.net/s/editorial.dll?froms ... h=ne&ch=ne


I really REALLY think your friend should report the incident to the people I suggested above. Chances are, that unnamed superior has a track record that will show up loud and clear if anyone starts looking at it. That attitude is not acceptable.


That's basically just a status report on the military's ROTC program, unless I missed something? Both my daughters are in this program under ROTC scholarships; #1 (the oldest) is in her senior year as an Army nurse at UA Huntsville. #2 is in her sophmore year in the Air Farce (I agree :D) ROTC at UA. Daughter #1 had received some slurs from certain fellow students saying that she had taken a scholarship away from "a deserving minority" during her early college career, especially while fulfiling her mandatory military duties, but she takes it in stride. To make waves would just make it tougher for her in her assigned brigade, and this crap stopped really quickly. Nothing like this has been reported from daughter #2 from her USAF ROTC classmates, as she is in the majority. So it kind of depends on what military branch you're in. I'm very proud of both of them, but it's not for everyone.

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That's basically just a status report on the military's ROTC program, unless I missed something?

That is the focus, but OCS is mentioned ... briefly. I thought it was of interest in this discussion because it talks about the need for the military (all branches) to bring in more qualified officers, and an attitude like that recruiter's superior has ain't gonna get the job done. In general, if the military is ramping up, there should be an OCS slot available in one of the services.

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That is the focus, but OCS is mentioned ... briefly. I thought it was of interest in this discussion because it talks about the need for the military (all branches) to bring in more qualified officers, and an attitude like that recruiter's superior has ain't gonna get the job done. In general, if the military is ramping up, there should be an OCS slot available in one of the services.


Understand. I might add that the majority of the various military ROTC Det or Brigade CO's (most are O6's), are basically officers on their way out. They are usually NOT the cream of the crop, and none of them want any turmoil that could affect their retirement. And in a lot of areas these guys are in charge of the officer recruiters too. It's changed..........

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for the army its 29, and it can be waived under certain circumstances. he's also looking at chopper pilot.


i think those that suggested any branch should be falling over themselves for someone with a degree and a skill, that seems to be more accurate at other recruiters.

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i think those that suggested any branch should be falling over themselves for someone with a degree and a skill, that seems to be more accurate at other recruiters.

Well, you have to remember that the Marines don't need as many non-combat related skills as other branches. For building stuff, they have the Seabees (Navy). For medics, they have corpsmen (Navy). Where the motto of the engineering battalion in my area of operations in Vietnam was "The difficult we do overnight; the impossible takes a bit longer" ... the motto of the USMC is "When it absolutely positively must be destroyed immediately." Seabees and engineers build things (and occasionally blow them up). Marines just ... break things.


Seriously, I think the Marines would also welcome a mature individual with a good educational background. I don't know what MOS they could offer him, but I think they'd welcome him. If he's not totally turned off by the Marines, I think he should find a different recruiting station and chat them up.


However, unless he's given up all interest in architecture, I think the Navy Seabees or the Army Engineers would be a better fit for him.

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As a former member of a Marine Engineer Supt. Batt. I can tell you the Marine's deff. have position's for Engineer's, Combat Engineer Unit's. Recruiter's of any stripe are natoriuos, I think they go on to become used car salesmen. This one was deffinatley UNSAT. Just go to another station or go online , request a meeting with an officer in an Engineer Unit. I'm sure someone would be glad to talk to your buddy ......... Semper Fi

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