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CHROME question- DETAILERS please help!!!

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What do you guys use to clean chrome? I have some Meguiar's Hot Rims Chrome Polish but I think I need something "stronger". I'm trying to remove 20 years of environmental exposure on a bumper. -Thanks.

EDIT: The environmental exposure is just oxidation/swirl marks, no rust.

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Another tasteless bastid shows his ignorance. :D


Anyhow Fiat, I have no idea mate and can offer no help. I just wash the old girl once a month or so, and wax annually with whatever wax I have at the time. Hopefully some detailers can chime in on this with some good recommendations. :cheers:

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So, I usually use a fresh razor blade to gently scrape off any "stuck on" contaminants; I have had really good luck with -something- (brand name forgotten) but its got a big "NO 7" on it, its in a small grey bottle and it smells like crap :ack: I have also heard engine starting fluid works well, but never tried that one. I suppose SOS pads would be worth a shot too. The last chrome XJ bumper I tried to clean up was a lost cause as I never did get it to my liking. If all else fails, I suppose you could also consider a new aftermarket one that they sell on ebay, for like $80-$100 bux w/shipping usually. Just an idea. Good luck. :cheers:



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When i clean chrome that is covered in "exposure" aka rust is what I'm guesing , go in the kitchen and dig out the tinfoil and pull out enuf to make a loose ball with (ruffly the size of a golf ball but it don't realy mater) and just rub it on the chrome , some times i throw a bit of wax/polish or what ever i have that aint abrasive on it wile i rub and just wipe it off and u would be impressed how well it works.

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