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Need Chevie Parts Help


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My wife is from Chile. Her brother lives in Santiago. We just heard from him that banditos ripped off all four hubcaps (or wheelcovers, I don't recall what he had) from his pride-and-joy S-10 pickup. I'm not sure if he simply can't buy replacements down there, or if he's hoping the price here might be lower, but he asked if I could get a price for replacements here. He's looking for eight (8), I guess on the theory that it won't add much in shipping and, if they stole them once, they'll probably steal them again so he might as well be ready.


I don't have any inside contacts at Chevie dealers. The part number is 15661129. The price I was quoted by the local dealer was $33.68 each.


Do any of you have any contacts through whom I could beat that price by enough to offset the shipping charges? And does anyone know what these things look like and if a less expansive copy might be available from an aftermarket source?


Your kind assistance will be much appreciated.

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