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Bonneville or Bust! Aug 7 to Aug 11

Pete M

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Figured I'd use this as my official "out to lunch" post. Will be gone friday til Tuesday. No idea when or if I'll have internet. :dunno: Not sure if I'll care. :D






Just watched a show about Speed Week on TV. :D I'm getting myself psyched up for this weekend. My flight leaves Friday morning and if all goes well, I'll meet up with Peter (Worlds Fastest Comanche) later that day. It's an insanely complicated plan, but that's nothing new to me. I get on a plane that takes me to Minneapolis. Then I get on a different plane that takes me to Salt Lake City. Then I get on a shuttle that takes me to the buses. Then I get on the casino bus that takes me the 1.5hrs to the Wendover casinos. Then I call peter and he will haul me from there to the camping area. from that point, I don't know what's happening when. I'll figure it out on the fly.


So far I've gathered that the most important things are: hat, sunscreen, binoculars, empty camera. Not necessarily in that order. :D I still have to borrow some money from someone for food, but that's just a minor detail. :popcorn: I figure I can last a weekend on peanutbutter and honey sandwiches.


I should see everything from:







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Good luck Pete(s)! Sorry I could never find the time to head over to your place to check out the WFC Peter, I wanted to, but have no real excuse besides I've been busy. Should have found the time befor eya headed out. You are only 10 miles from my house, and I work for the town you live in. :oops:


Bring us back a trophy! :cheers:

Rob L.

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Holy crap thats awsome pete , remember take lots of pics especialy of the manch and lots of video , if u took enuf good pics and vid u should edit it all together and burn some dvds to sell here :yes: (i got dibs on the first one!!)


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I'll do my best to post up pics while I'm there, but I haven't a clue what internet access might be available to me. :dunno: Worst case, you'll all have to wait til I return. I sold my old film SLR and haven't had any money to replace it so I'll be using my dad's Powershot. It takes wonderful pics, but there's no telephoto zoom setting. :roll: So I envision a whole lotta pit pics. I'll see what the pros are doing and see if I can't figure out how to weasel some of their "action" shots. :brows:

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If I could afford a new one, I would have. :fs1:



On a more positive note, I was able to find my sister's old wheeled duffel bag (Jeep brand) and have started packing the camping gear. :D

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I just got off the phone with Pete. He made it out to the salt and is doing good. He is living in a tent about five miles from the salt, but he is close to a gas station so he can take showers and get food and water as he needs it. He is thumbing rides to and from the flats. HE IS HAVING A BLAST! He is also planning his trip for next year!


The WFC on the other hand is not doing so well. They blew the remote oil filter adapter on a dyno pull yesterday. In true Jeeper spirit they loaded the trailer and drove straight through the night to get to the flats. They are still waiting for the part to arrive out there so they can hang it and get the truck through tech. There is another truck racing in the same class as the WFC. Pete is unsure of the make but it is not a MJ.


As I get more info from Pete I will let ya'll know!

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Pete is at the airport in SLC and will be home later tonight.


They (WFC) got the parts for the truck and are thrashing to get it running and through tech before Speed Week ends. On a more important note, WFC (Peter) was taken to the hospital with pneumonia and was not released at the time I talked to (our) Pete. Keep your fingers crossed for his speedy recovery.


The God Father did watch a SBC powered MJ run. It posted a top speed of 175MPH. They were going to work on the front spoiler and try to crack the 185 MPH (or faster) mark!


Pete will have pics up loaded in a day or so after he gets some sleep.


That is all for now.

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