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6 young chicks!

Sir Sam

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Been awhile without chicken updates, one brown one just got done going through a molt, and the other brown one is still going through a molt.


Got a $#!&-ton of eggs here, hard to keep up with the supply, demand is much lower, I keep trying to pawn them off on people, but theres always more eggs coming(got 4 today, ate zero).























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My wife wants some chickens. She likes the silkie variety


Ya silkies are weird, and somehow appeal to many females.


I like good utility breeds, chickens that are good foragers, are cold hearty, and lay many eggs. Silkies make good mothers but are kinda weird past that.

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it looks like you have more roosters than hens. you want only one rooster in a smaller group like that.

It keeps the hen satisfied.. A happy hen lays many eggs... That s if you keep swiping them.. I would like to have some chickens.. What kind is the best for eggs vrs meat?

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it looks like you have more roosters than hens. you want only one rooster in a smaller group like that.

It keeps the hen satisfied.. A happy hen lays many eggs... That s if you keep swiping them.. I would like to have some chickens.. What kind is the best for eggs vrs meat?



silkies and other smaller hens are great for laying eggs. you want brown eggs because they're healthier (but the whole "brown eggs have no yoke" thing is a crock of $#!& BTW).


as for roosters....one rooster is good for around 15 hens. any more then one leads to (dare I say it) C#*@-fighting.


chickens for meat are called "meat chickens". usually white. feed them lots of protien and give them alot of room to scratch.


with any chickens, try and keep them housed on greenery. and don't overcrowd.

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it looks like you have more roosters than hens. you want only one rooster in a smaller group like that.


Jesus christ, I am really starting to not trust anything you have to say.


NONE of those are roosters, seriously dude.


what variety are those again?


2x Brown leghorns

2x Barred Rocks

1x Black Australorp

1x California White


I would like to have some chickens.. What kind is the best for eggs vrs meat?

There are breeds that are very prolific egg layers, and other breeds that are better foragers and mothers(silkies make great mother hens), there are breeds specifically meant for meat production known as meat birds, they grown fast and don't live long, heck they grow so big so fast they often cannot support their own body weight.


you want brown eggs because they're healthier (but the whole "brown eggs have no yoke" thing is a crock of poo BTW).


Dude what are you smoking? Brown eggs are not nutritionally any different than white, green or blue eggs. Ya store bought commercially produced eggs are less nutritional than free range, but color has no impact on nutritional value.

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it looks like you have more roosters than hens. you want only one rooster in a smaller group like that.


Jesus christ, I am really starting to not trust anything you have to say.


NONE of those are roosters, seriously dude.



you want brown eggs because they're healthier (but the whole "brown eggs have no yoke" thing is a crock of poo BTW).


Dude what are you smoking? Brown eggs are not nutritionally any different than white, green or blue eggs. Ya store bought commercially produced eggs are less nutritional than free range, but color has no impact on nutritional value.


IIRC, you got them as chics. I know of no way to sex out chickens as babies. I've either had, or been around chickens for 22 years, and I'm 22 years old. I said it looks like you have more males than females...I gave no definitive answer. the pictures show large combs on most of the chickens. generally, a large comb is indication of the chicken being a male, but not always, and not with all types of chickens.


Brown eggs hold more protien. maybe that's an old farmer's tale, but you're talkin to a farmer man, and that's what I've gathered from a family of farmers, and many other local farmers.




I googled sexing chickens, and learned that you can sex them from day one, but it can be very difficult to tell...never knew that. *shrug* funny since I've been in 4H and showed bantams for a few years.

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it looks like you have more roosters than hens. you want only one rooster in a smaller group like that.


Jesus christ, I am really starting to not trust anything you have to say.


NONE of those are roosters, seriously dude.



you want brown eggs because they're healthier (but the whole "brown eggs have no yoke" thing is a crock of poo BTW).


Dude what are you smoking? Brown eggs are not nutritionally any different than white, green or blue eggs. Ya store bought commercially produced eggs are less nutritional than free range, but color has no impact on nutritional value.


IIRC, you got them as chics. I know of no way to sex out chickens as babies. I've either had, or been around chickens for 22 years, and I'm 22 years old. I said it looks like you have more males than females...I gave no definitive answer. the pictures show large combs on most of the chickens. generally, a large comb is indication of the chicken being a male, but not always, and not with all types of chickens.


Brown eggs hold more protien. maybe that's an old farmer's tale, but you're talkin to a farmer man, and that's what I've gathered from a family of farmers, and many other local farmers.


Ok, and I've either had, or been around chickens for 23 years, and I'm 23 years old.


And yes, you can sex day old chicks. It's not 100% but they can be sexed, furthermore they are breeds called "sex-links" which can be sexed 100% correctly. When you cross certain breeds together recessive traits come through only on males or only on females, the particular breeds crossed can be sexed immediately after hatching based solely on physical appearance.


Yes they have some nice large combs, but do you see any hackle feathers?


Brown eggs DO NOT hold more protein, its an old farmers tale, just like tying the chicken head to the neck of the dog, and tomato juice will get the skunk stink out.

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it looks like you have more roosters than hens. you want only one rooster in a smaller group like that.


Jesus christ, I am really starting to not trust anything you have to say.


NONE of those are roosters, seriously dude.



you want brown eggs because they're healthier (but the whole "brown eggs have no yoke" thing is a crock of poo BTW).


Dude what are you smoking? Brown eggs are not nutritionally any different than white, green or blue eggs. Ya store bought commercially produced eggs are less nutritional than free range, but color has no impact on nutritional value.


IIRC, you got them as chics. I know of no way to sex out chickens as babies. I've either had, or been around chickens for 22 years, and I'm 22 years old. I said it looks like you have more males than females...I gave no definitive answer. the pictures show large combs on most of the chickens. generally, a large comb is indication of the chicken being a male, but not always, and not with all types of chickens.


Brown eggs hold more protien. maybe that's an old farmer's tale, but you're talkin to a farmer man, and that's what I've gathered from a family of farmers, and many other local farmers.


Ok, and I've either had, or been around chickens for 23 years, and I'm 23 years old.


And yes, you can sex day old chicks. It's not 100% but they can be sexed, furthermore they are breeds called "sex-links" which can be sexed 100% correctly. When you cross certain breeds together recessive traits come through only on males or only on females, the particular breeds crossed can be sexed immediately after hatching based solely on physical appearance.


Yes they have some nice large combs, but do you see any hackle feathers?


Brown eggs DO NOT hold more protein, its an old farmers tale, just like tying the chicken head to the neck of the dog, and tomato juice will get the skunk stink out.



hey man get off the defensive here. I just said it LOOKED. I don't care enough about your chickens to look closely at them. merely made a simple, non-offensive observation.


anyways, who the eff cares about your chickens? enjoy them man. keep up the good work on your jeep build, and stop getting offended if someone makes a simple basic observation (while offering NO guarantee that it's 100% correct).


I have chickens on my farm. for eggs. I don't care enough about them even to gather any more info than what they are, and what sex they turn out to be once they're grown up. they're just chickens, which means they're just food in one way shape or form.

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I always bought my chicks from here with pretty good results....




I always preferred the buff orpingtons for my egg layers as they have a nice personality and not pecking at each other. Excellent producers.


My meat birds http://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/product ... rocks.html were these as they have an excellent food:weight conversion factor. Nice 8.5 pound roasters when you are done. I knew a guy that would butcher them and bag them for $2 each. Money well spent. I always gave them away to the local "AIDS House" where they had them for the family Sunday dinner. Quite tasty.


Chickens are fun to watch and would eat bugs forever around the farm.

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A bit off-topic but we starting keeping domestic geese overseas when we lived out among'st the locals in various countries where intruders were a problem. Better than Dobermans for watching the property; you can't make friends with them by giving them a steak, distract them with a dog in heat, etc. and they make a hell of a racket when someone or something is around. They kept out all the vermin. The Navy still uses them as watch-geese in some of the remote comms stations. Great tasting huge eggs too. We've had some out back through the years too but they always end up going off with the Canadian geese who hang around the lake. Damn Canucks. :Canadaflag: :yes:

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