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anyone here live in maui


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I'm in maui till this monday and ive seen like 10 comanches so I'm wondering if theres anyone here around kihei maui i seen one comanche the first day i was here an it was a dark blue or red color and lifted looked so good i'd love to take a look at it in person if your around. thanks Tim

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I'm in maui till this monday and ive seen like 10 comanches so I'm wondering if theres anyone here around kihei maui i seen one comanche the first day i was here an it was a dark blue or red color and lifted looked so good i'd love to take a look at it in person if your around. thanks Tim


Should have taken some ComancheClub business Cards from Pete with you...


Enjoy Maui...lucky dog! :drool:

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I know there is at least one maybe two on Oahu but I don't remember if there are any on Maui. I use to spend some time out there for work. Island hopped from Oahu, Maui, and Kauai. Love the lifestyle but way to expensive to live out there.



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yeah the one guy i saw i tried giving him a card and all he said was no man its just my ride then he tried selling me dope it was a pioneer i think it has a cherokee fender and was damaged at the front but it ran good and had a dana 44 he dident even know or care but i told him he was lucky haha the other one was just sitting in a yard on the way to hana i got one picture of it seemed to not have moved in a long time i also seen one at the beach but it was raining so hard the card wouldent have been readable. yeah its nice not to be in -20 weather for once.

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