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Finally gave in and bought an iPod


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I normally work out at the gym on site at work (and our director give 3 hours/week paid admin leave to exercise, for health reasons), and a long-time friend of mine works out here with me. He just got transferred to another facility, so i will be on my own.


On days where we work out seperately, I had been using an old RCA Lyra MP3 player (265MB) with an additional 512MB card added to it.


Well, last weekend I went to add more music to it and my laptop could not recognize it. Then yesterday, the headphones died. :fs1: Looks like time to get a new MP3 player.


I was about to order a 1GB shuffle from walmart ($50 with an armband and accessory kit) when I decided to check the Apple site for their refirb offerings. Lo and behold, 1 and 2 GB shuffles were on special, $29 for the 1GB and $39 for the 2GB, with free shipping. :cheers:


I went with the 2GB in silver. jamminz.gif

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I just fixed my wifes Ipod. She has one of the OLD 20GB ipods with the thick case and the green screen (2nd Gen I think). That thing is a trooper. It has been thrown and dropped, it runs in her car constantly (driven by head unit). It froze up on her the other day while she was already having a bad day so she flung it at the wall, the second time she did it the case broke open.


I will be damned if after I put it back together it doesn't run just fine. It is 7 years old, and I think we may be able to get a decade out of it if we try. The new ones are good but they do not last as long from what I am told.

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I almost bought a Nano, but I only use it at the gym. I don't need all of the additional features. It would be nice to have multiple folders (one for lifting, one for cardio), but other than that, the shuffle has more than enough space and features.

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ive got the 30gig video in black, got i 3 years ago. still works fine, the battery life is gettin way shorter but that is to be expected... I'm really surpirsed it hasnt busted yet... 3 summers of bike riding and its still in 1 piece... i have tried this drop 3 times and all 3 times i crahed HARD... this was the smootest crash (and only one got on video) the ipod was in my pocket all 3 times... sorry that the rest of the video is really ghey, my friends are retarted...

... this one is clean lol
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i leave mine plugged into my car all the time. it might come out once a month so i can put new songs on it. it still works great. been out side through -40 all night. as soon as i turn the car on it starts. love the thing.

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I got a 60G when they first came out... 3 or 4 years ago now i guess.. my batt is gone...... and the case is scratched to he!!... I wish I could get a new case for it.. never had a problem other then the battery not holding a charge.. last for about a whole 3 mins.. if not plugged up..

I have a link system in my Prelude through a Clarion Head unit and the suck thing about all that is I had to make new folders and play them like it was a cd changer.. Kinda wish it (Clarion) would pick things like most played or type of music,, genres ,, ect.. Instead I have to put music into folders called Clarion I , II, III, ect.... Its hard to get what you want when you have alot of music..

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Does the shuffle just play songs at random? or can you create song lists and play them in order?

I know that you can create at least one playlist an dhave it played in order, but I don't know whether you can store or import multiple folders on the shuffle.

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