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Death wobble

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well i got my 3" kit on and now i got the dreaded death wobble i got all the susp part and and new but i think its my manual gear box thats causing it. my box has quite a bit of play in it and it only happens when i hit a bump i can got 85 no prob but once i hit a bump i violently shakes anyone ever had this prob and a solution

i can jack it up and shake my tires and the pit arm off the box moves loosly and the steering wheel doesnt even move in the truck till a point :fs1:

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Did you take it to have an alignment done after the lift was installed? Death wobble is a very common issue after a lift if it is not professionally aligned. It is also most often caused by out out of balance wheels & tires. If not taken care of quickly it will damage your track bar, tie rods, control arm bushings, steering gear etc, etc...


Just an FYI... If it is truly Death Wobble, that means that when it starts, you have to stop the truck to get control again and if you don't stop...you are going to die...or at least it feels that way. If you don't experience it in thatway, then you just have a bad vibration and not DW.


Either way...get an alignment and have the tires balanced then report back :thumbsup:

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  manche said:
thats why i think its my steering box is shot :fs1: cause if i am going say 60 i can slow down to 40 and it will go away i don't have to stop
It's very possible, but you still need an alignment at minimum. The person doing your alignment will be able to tell you for sure if the steering gear is your problem or not as he will not be able to do a proper alignment if it is. If you are sure enough about the gear...replace it...and then go get an alignment. ;)
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You didn't change or adjust the steering box when you did the lift, correct?


Did you have death wobble before you did the lift?


What changed with the lift? Look there first.


Have you seen the super-mega-thread and poll we had awhile back on the subjject of what causes death wobble, and why? It would behoove you to read it. (Even if some of the opinions don't agree with mine.)

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For a 3" lift, you need lower control arms...and...I would recommend uppers as well, although they are not as important immediately. You also need an adjustable track bar. I can't imagine anyone selling just springs for a 3" lift and not LCA's and a track bar...that is just ignorance... :shake:


  manche said:
i noticed today if i hold the steerin wheel to one side will driving straight it causes it not bumps like i thought . any ideas

Don't understand what you are asking here...?? It's like there are words missing or something...??

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if your box is loose then tighten it. if you disagree with me then why do they put the tightening screw on there? spray the threads with some de-greaser and loosen the lock not. screw in the screw until it makes contact, back off 1/2 turn and tighten lock nut. that should give you 1'' or so play in the wheel you should have. but LCA's and track bar, you defiantly need those

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