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wow, what a beautiful day. it was 44 here today...


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instead of the -20 we usually have this time of year. i made good use of it. i fixed the plow for the tractor and did some snow pushing. note to self, don't try to lift a 350 pound plow and complete hitch set up a week after having an angiogram. no damage, but i hurt.


i'll probably go out and do some more snow removal tomorrow before the game. it's supposed to be in the upper teens. as i said, anything above -20 is nice for this time of year.


hope everyone has a good weekend. enjoy the game!!! :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

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Tomorrow is supposed to be 39* here. :clapping: First day above freezing in... um, a long time. It's been so long I don't remember. :shake: If it wasn't for the hose being frozen under 2 feet of snow, I'd wash the van tomorrow.

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Hey, Smartguy. Y'all still dustin' the Catfish fer ticks, or wot? :chillin: Hopefully, you folks get some more of the much needed rain/run off soon. I know that last summer it was dry. See above comment.

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