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SOA questions...

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Getting ready to do a SOA on my 87 Comanche. How much lift will this give me? If its not enough lift for me, will it then be OK to add some moderately sized lift blocks? I know that an SOA and new re-arched springs would be the best bet, but the budget will not allow it at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Friends don't let friends use lift blocks. They will cause major spring wrap issues. If you seriously need more than 6" of lift, add in an AAL (personally I'd go with more MJ leafs added in). And if you're on a budget, why are you going so big? What are you doing for axles? tires? gearing? Steering?

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I'm trying to go for a prerunner look, with maybe 33-12.50/15 rear and a skinny maybe 235 front, I don't actually know what lift I,ll need in the rear, I'm just trying to get all this weighed out in my head before I start. So you say a SOA in the rear will give 5-6" of lift? That means I'll need close to that in the front too. New powertrain will come later, this 2.5 runs too good for me to mess with it right now. I love the idea of a Cummins 4cyl diesel. When or if this 2.5 ever gives up, maybe then I'll look at that stuff more seriously. I bought this rust free unabused truck from the original owner for $250, and drove it home! It's good to be out of the rust belt!

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Seeing how you have 2wd springs, you won't net as much in the back. My 88 prior to build was sitting at 4.5 in the rear on a SOA D35. I had roughly 3.5 in the front. After the build is done, It will have 4.5 RE coils up front which generally net a half inch or so more than advertised which will make up for the half inch to an inch the D44 SOA in the rear will give. If all works out, I should have an even 5 inch front and back. If you go full width, you'll either need wheel spacers in the front(bad IMO) or get a full width up front to match.



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  Pete M said:
Be prepared for that nice 2.5 to suck if you're adding bigger tires without regearing. :( And if you're going to 33s, it'll suck a lot.


Big X2 on that.....and gearing will only get you so much before you reach the point of diminishing returns. I ran 33's on my 2.5, with 4.56's even. It was decent putting around town and in 4L it was a tank, but was unbearable on the highway. Pedal to the floor, 5th gear was unusable unless going dead flat or downhill, and taching over 3K.


I ended up swapping in a 4.0 :chillin:



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  dasbulliwagen said:
I've been keeping an eye out for a 44, or an 8.8, so I'll try to adress the gearing issue at that point. Little by little it will happen. Would it look too funny if I went with a full width rear out of a full size???? :brows:


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Mine has a full width rear with 35x15.5 Swamper SXs, it is hella wide. Half of my tire width is outside the body. If you are going to keep it 2wd I would stay away from a full width axle setup. I have not wheeled mine yet, so I am not sure if I like this setup.

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