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Bucket Seat "Skins" - Can you Wash em?

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Bucket Seat Covers? Can the Cloth Skins for Buckets be removed from the Frames/Cushions and be washed (Laundry?) I thought I remember seeing a thread about cleaning seats... I scrubbed with some carpet/fabric cleaner and some Simple Green and got most of the nastys off, but still not QUITE as nice as I'd like them before I get em installed in the MJ. They will do, and I can probably just buy covers to go over the top (suggestions), but thought it might be nice if I can try get these cleaned up first.




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Bucket Seat Covers? Can the Cloth Skins for Buckets be removed from the Frames/Cushions and be washed (Laundry?) I thought I remember seeing a thread about cleaning seats... I scrubbed with some carpet/fabric cleaner and some Simple Green and got most of the nastys off, but still not QUITE as nice as I'd like them before I get em installed in the MJ. They will do, and I can probably just buy covers to go over the top (suggestions), but thought it might be nice if I can try get these cleaned up first.





Yelp.... I turned mine inside out and threw them into the washer with a cup of soap and a cup of simple green.. Man they came out looking brand new.. I did notice sand and small solid partials in the creases when I flipped them back inside out again. That stuff just brushed right off though..


I've used thinner on seats before too... Man its amazing how well that works to clean dirt. Just wet a towel with thinner,, wipe on and kinda scrub, then take a clean towel and blot it. It'll get about 95% of all the dirt out of the fabric..

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even better.... if you have access to a pressure washer.... hang em up, soak them with cleaning chemical of your choice, and spray them from top to bottom... They will come cleaner than if you put them in the wash machine. (I have tried both.) Then on the vinyl parts, spray them with the cleaner and use a light bristled brush to scrub it to get the dirt out of the nooks and crannys.


The washing machine kinda bathes the covers in their own muck... Also, with the washing machine you run the risk of damaging your zippers and even possibly ripping the vinyl....

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If you are going to wash them: Gentle cycle in cold, then hang to dry. I also have a place in my washer for liquid fabric softener. They come out nice and clean, and are very soft. It made putting them back on easier because they were more pliable with the fabric softener :D

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Meh... I decided to nix the washing the cover idea...they aren't that bad...I'll scrub the crap out of em and if I can't get em as clean as I want, I'll just get a set of covers...


I got the skin off the base easy enough, but started on the back and it was a total pain in the butt, so I figured it wasn't worth the hassle.



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I wouldnt recommend doin a whole lot of scrubbin... I definately forks up the fibers of the material... get it all knappy looking... I'm telling ya.. pressure washer is the time tested sure bet for you... You can even pressure wash them with the covers still on... its just gonna take them a few days to dry..

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Washing machine...washing machine!!!!


Ok, I caved... I don't have a pressure washer or paint thinner, so I just tossed the passanger covers in the cloths washer... Gentle, cold wash/rinse and slow spin... We'll see in an hour or so how it turns out... We don't use or have fabric softner...

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WooHoo! I am the winner!!!


Crap...now if they get messed up, I am to blame...


Well to be fair, the washing machine was the only suggested cleaning solution that I had on hand...


And Yes, I'll blame you if they get F'ed up!... :D



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Also, what's the secret to popping off the head-rest?



How do you get the head-rest off? I have been wanting to clean mine but couldn't get them off.


I pulled the rest of the skin up to the head rest and just kept yanking... I figured worst case scenario I busted it off, but it seemed to pop off...



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Well the Passenger side came out of the washer and looks OK... It was much cleaner to start with than the Drivers Side already. I probably won't do the other seat until I have this one all put back together (just so I can see how everything fits together). It's in no "worse" shape than it was before it went into the wash...I didn't put em in the Dryer and will just hang em for a day or so before I try to pull em back over the foam and frame.


I hit the seat frame with some Krylon Rust Prohibiting Enamel stuff since everything was off.





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fyi, when you pull the seat back cover up, you may have noticed the headrest posts slide down in to black tubes. it's a two piece deal and you have to reach up in there and feel around for the clips that lock the inner tube to the outer tube. have fun trying to pinch them, mine were hard as hell. i think on one of them i had to reach in there with some pliers.


also, if you ever want to switch from the full padded headrests to the see-through headrests make sure you swap tubes also because the tubes with the padded headrests have bottoms. the problem is that the see-through headrests are shorter and therefore the posts go farther down and bump up against the bottom. you could probably just drill them out but the tubes on the see-through ones are open on the bottom end. don't ask me why jeep would make two different mounting tubes, why not just make the pass-through version for both style headrests? :nuts:

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It's the gray one!








You so inspired me about the whole washing the seats thing that I stayed home form work today and did the black set I just got from the jy. A couple of tips for the rest out there. If your going to put them in the machine, vacuum them first as this will save a lot of sand from getting into the wife's washing machine. Also the washing machine will do hardly nothing to the vinyl. Scrub it down after you vacuum them and then throw them in the machine.


Oh yeah, also make sure you take out all those little metal rods. :D



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A couple of tips for the rest out there. If your going to put them in the machine, vacuum them first as this will save a lot of sand from getting into the wife's washing machine. Also the washing machine will do hardly nothing to the vinyl. Scrub it down after you vacuum them and then throw them in the machine.


Oh yeah, also make sure you take out all those little metal rods. :D




x2 on the Vinyl.. A Blue Scotch-Brite No Scratch Scrub Sponge + Simple Green on the Vinyl works wonders... Cleaned off 15 years of yuckee's very nicely.


I have some 303 Protectant that will go all over the vinyl before they go into the MJ (I'm hoping this weekend).


On the Drivers Side, I'm actually soaking both sections in some really good stain soaker stuff my wife has for a couple hours and then I'll toss in the washer...They might need 2 cycle's, but we will just have too see. I need to do a couple vinyl repairs on the back and side of the drivers side seat at well. Not horrible, but while everything is off, I'd like to get it patched.


One last recommendation that I would make... I had mine hanging out in the sun to dry all day... It was warm here today 85ish and all SUN... so they were warm and it made the Vinyl a little more "flexy" and I think easier to get back over the cushions...

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It was 90 something here and yes they dried very fast. I used purple power and a medium brislte brush on the vinyl. Just have to be careful with the purple p, because it's strong and may hurt some colors. He's a pic of the after and in the truck.




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Well in taking the Foam off the back of the Drivers Seat (So I could hit the frame with some paint), I found that one of the Side Lumbar thingy's was busted off inside the foam... It's really thin cheap metal (and I don't have any kind of welding equipment, so I'll need to rig something up before I can put it all back together...) Maybe some JBWeld?





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