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Pilot Bearing Fun

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So here is the deal guys I am in the middle of changing my clutch. And the pilot bearing was so dry that when I tired to spin it with my finger some of the needles fell out. :headpop: So I was reading my manual and it says that it will come out by using grease and an old input shaft or wooden dole. NOT THE CASE. If you have the bearing type just go borrow a slide hammer it will make your life easier. :nuts:


I worked on this all weekend and went thru about a half of a tube of grease and half of it is in what little hair I have and the other have is all over the truck and the shop what a mess :headpop: . With the slide hammer it was out in about 10 min.


Just a little FYI

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Yup. Tried that dang grease trick too and only succeeded in spraying myself with grease when it squirted out. :mad: Then I proceeded to break the cheap puller tool I bought. But Autozone has a real nice pilot bearing tool that they loan out for free. I recommend that one. :D

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I worked on this all weekend and went thru about a half of a tube of grease and half of it is in what little hair I have and the other have is all over the truck and the shop what a mess


I just spit my lunch out laughing at that one........sorry!





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So if the needles don't fall out and it feels normal should I assume that I don't need to replace it?


i would say its up to you but you have it a part now so.................





some people say no and some say yes

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I have always learned when replacing a clutch to always replace the pilot bearing and throw-out bearing while you are in there.


If you don't and it goes bad a year later you'd kick yourself for not doing it.

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Well this won't give you back your time you spent working on your jeep but THANK YOU! I was going to try it that way. But ill be heading to the autozone now to pick up that tool. :bowdown:

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Well this won't give you back your time you spent working on your jeep but THANK YOU! I was going to try it that way. But ill be heading to the autozone now to pick up that tool. :bowdown:


If you buy the complete clutch kit it comes with pilot bearing and throw-out bearing. Or mine did.


Good Luck and now its time to go out and finish this job and yes its 12:45 here in the morning I got off of work early so why not.



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