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Operation "Stripe Removal" Has Begun

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After waffling for a couple of weeks about whether or not I wanted to remove the Pioneer strips on my 89 MJ, I finally made a decision.


I got about a 50/50 response on my other thread about whether they should stay or go, but since I'm the only one that has to look at it, I decided to go ahead and start today...


First a couple observations... a 5 Gal Pancake, cheapy Harbor Freight Compressor CANNOT keep up with the Eraser Die Grinder thing... I was able wipe about 6 inches of sticker off and the grinder basically stopped turning because the compressor was out of steam, and it ran continuously. Maybe a good excuse to buy a bigger/better one.


The "Ghosting" is minimal and basically I have just wiped off the tore up stripe and wiped with some Goo Gone...no rubbing compound or anything drastic.


Looking at the pics below, what is the consensus on keeping or losing the lower black trim? The rear small Piece fell off (I have it still), but wanted to see if I should just remove em all or clean and reglue.


Anyhow after about an hour or so, here is the Pass. Side done... It's about 90 degrees out, so I'm not sure if I will get the drivers side done or not..


Here is the BEFORE Picture for comparision



and now...


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  jtdesigns said:
Hey Wade.. I just used my electric drill with the disc I got. It seems to work pretty good on the fastest setting.


Man, wish I had thought about that to start with... Slapped the Thing in my Dewalt Cordless, and 2 Full Batteries later, Drivers side was done...took about 15 minutes start to finish...


I like it... Still not sure about the lower black trim piece though...



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  SuperWade2 said:
  jtdesigns said:
Hey Wade.. I just used my electric drill with the disc I got. It seems to work pretty good on the fastest setting.


Man, wish I had thought about that to start with... Slapped the Thing in my Dewalt Cordless, and 2 Full Batteries later, Drivers side was done...took about 15 minutes start to finish...


I like it... Still not sure about the lower black trim piece though...



If you keep the others then I'd put it back on. I'm not keeping mine though.

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  SuperWade2 said:

I like it... Still not sure about the lower black trim piece though...




IMHO the black trim needs to go, but I would also swap the white flares for black ones.

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Well, that's at least a couple opinions that the Black Trim needs to go...maybe a job for next weekend...


And I agree... the White Flares probably should get Blackified (Mine are kind of beat up so probably better replacing them... How hard of these to find? Another WTB Thread on the Classified Forum, or is there anyone selling new ones for not a crazy amount of $$$?


Thanks for the Opinions and Ideas Guys...



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  89eliminator said:
i like the body colored fender flares...


I agree...for some colors...


In my case, White, with no stripes and no black molding and white flares, I think that's just TOO much White and there needs to be something alternate color (in this case black) somewhere...


Just a personal preference.



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