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Identify my disc breaks

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Bought this truck with rear disk breaks but the parking brake isn’t hooked up. I don’t have anything between the calipers and cable that goes to the cab. I can probably fab up the saddle that connects the left and right to the forward cable but what part am I ordering for the left and right cable assembly? I ordered the oem part and the cable jacket and mounting assembly is much to large for the caliper mount and can’t attach to the lever pictured. Does anyone know what brakes I have and what part I need to get?



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That looks like someone did a half-posterior job of adapting a set of KJ disc brakes to your MJ.


I would start by taking the caliper and rotor off to see how much of the parking brake system is in place on the brake backing plate.   You might need to clean or replace parts that are damaged or missing.


the cable that goes to the actuation lever for the parking brake shoes on a KJ has a return spring that is much larger in diameter (And with lower force) than a regular parking brake cable on an XJ or MJ.  It also has a clevis on the end that hooks over the actuation lever.


KJ parking brakes are actuated from a lever on the center of the transmission tunnel, so they are of equal length.  If you are still using the foot actuated parking brake common on the MJ, you might need to figure out how connect that pedal cable to KJ cables.

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