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Saturday night I wasn't able to get my mouse to work. I went and got new batteries for it and still didn't work? Thats when I realized that my screen was going through all my previous searches and anything else I had open on the laptop. I've have had two tracking devices put on my card and now this. I definitely believe that I am being stalked. I have a good idea who is behind this (98% sure). If any posts from that are out of character for me, It's not me. Hopefully I turned it off in time. Not sure how it was done or how to prevent it?


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Usually for something like that to happen you would have needed to allow a remote access connection from your end. It’s possible to force a connection through, although anyone capable of doing that probably wouldn’t just be using the remote access to control your computer, they wouldn’t make it obvious they were in there looking at stuff.

Someone with physical access to your computer could have set up permissions so they could come back in later. It’s also possible to have a worm of some kind built into a sketchy file that’ll set the permissions if you open it. 
With the device disconnected from the internet, power it up and see if there are any allowed permissions for remote access and turn them off.

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I already called the sheriff about the tracking device. Not much they could do. I would imagine they would say the same thing about this.


Thank you. Thats what I thought. She had access to my laptop and I am sure I had changed the password, but she knows me well. I will do what you suggested gogmorgo. I was more concerned about "them" writing stupid stuff on the forum to get me banned. 

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25 minutes ago, Drahcir495 said:

writing stupid stuff on the forum to get me banned. 

We wouldn’t ban you outright. The only accounts that have been banned are the link spammers where they post the scam links. 
But you wouldn’t get banned. We would investigate before such an extreme and even then we probably still wouldn’t ban your account.

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:beerchug:  I've been on this forum a long time, so I would believe that you all would notice the difference.


gogmorgo: I did some searching and I found the hole in the wall. She had access to the microsoft 360 account on my laptop. I removed her and reset my password. Thank you

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Ugh. I hate how interconnected everything is now. For how much effort goes into locking everything down, it’s so easy to miss a step and leave the front door wide open. The continued spamming of notifications we just automatically close before reading can’t help either. 
Glad you got this step sorted and hopefully get some resolution over the situation soon. 

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