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Np242 to Ax-15 transmission

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I'm working on collecting parts to eventually upgrade my '86 Comanche to a straight 6 and I was wondering on the subject of the Np242 transfer case if one out of a Durango would have the same spline count and in general what ones I should look for to put in it I'm going with a 94 or newer manual AX 15 transmission

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Can you not find one for a Jeep? Any 242 behind a ‘91+ AW4 in an XJ or the ZJ’s 46RH should have the correct input gear for use with an AX15, although it’s always best to double check before you bolt things together. If you’re using a ‘97+ XJ you’ll need a compatible driveshaft yoke for the sealed output.  

I don’t know much about the Durango or whether it’s transfer case would work with the AX15.



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I found a few that were out of Jeeps The problem was is they were all quite a ways away and or nobody wanted to respond but the information that I have gotten here is extremely helpful I believe I have found one it's out of a 2002 grand Cherokee

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