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Wrong end of sway bar disco came off

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Damn it rough country! The wrong end came disconnected!!! Lol. Today when I was driving I heard a pop and then when I was at the local hardware store a guy asked "what's that thing hanging down by the diff?" It was the RC away bar disconnect. The bolt came out of the top. Weird because it had a lock but on it. Yes it was probably my fault but everything I've ever had that was rough country has just been $#!& e6090081eba71cbbddc50e89328b065f.jpg



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Nylocks suck. They're only good for a couple uses and even the first one doesn't always go great. If you can find distorted thread nuts, they clamp down good for things you don't plan on pulling apart very often, although they usually end up screwing up the bolt so they're pretty well single-use only, although I have reused them successfully, just not many times.

You can also use the good old double-nut, smash the nuts against each other and they should hold themselves in place.

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