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88 comanche with 87 gn 3.8 turbo engine.

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Those two used series 2 3800's, which is a bit different from the Buick derived 3.8.  Different bell pattern being the biggest physical difference, so either a different trans or adapter would be needed from what was used above.  Not that difficult, but just something to consider.  the Buick used the classic BOP,  the 3800 engines use the Corp 60 degree pattern, which  means they can bolt up to any trans that had the 2.8 bolted in stock.

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I've been considering this for an MJ. I've been collecting Buick parts for a couple years now for my Willys. I have 3 complete Buick V6 engines and 2 others that have been stripped (cored the blocks) in the garage right now, One is a 80' carbureted draw through turbo engine, two NA engines and a hot air 84' GN "engine". Which is everything but the block.


The 86'-87' intercooled cars still command too much money to make this swap viable. But take out motors do pop up from time to time on the turbo buick forums. The 84'-85' hot air cars are cheaper, and I think would be the easiest to install due to less piping. The main challenge with any year GN engines (84'-87') is engine management and knock control. Something else to consider is transmission choice. Buick wasn't in the 4x4 business, so depending on the transmission of choice, you'd end up with at least one adapter, maybe two, one on both ends of the trans. I couldn't find a unibell TH350 like I wanted, but found a couple of BOP 350s.


Turbobuick.com and Beforeblack.net are great sites for Buick tech and history.

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