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Mj popping noise ?

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Also check your lugnuts... may seem obvious but I managed to loose a bunch this summer which I figured would've been way below my ability to not notice (still convinced someone stole them). It produced popping sounds when the wheel was banging around loose.

As for the exhaust, it could also be bouncing around a bit, in addition to the not-uncommon backfiring coming off throttle thing.


And in my own defense, that was your first post. Don't know anything about you. And I apologize if I offended you... But we do get a few noobs whose first post is a panicked freak out that their muffler bearings are burnt out when all they need is some blinker fluid topped up.

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Spare tire loose?  If it is loose, you may not hear when accelerating. The engine noise will drown out other sounds.  When you let off the gas, the engine goes quiet(er), the truck slows down and the tire flops around.


If you don't have the spare tire then "Nevermind."

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If the noise was coming from my right rear axle, I'd be looking around the entire right rear area. What's there.


Your brakes, your drive shaft (and slip yoke) u-joints, and your exhaust pipe.


I've had my exhaust pipe rubbing on my cross member before, it made a weird vibration and clunking sound. When I fixed the tranny mount and hangers, it went away. The pipe is now at least an inch away from contacting any other parts.


I've had a bad u-joint, all it did was clunk when I took off or when slowing down. Looked OK at first, but when I got down there and gave it a workout with a small pry bar. It was obvious.


Your throwout (bearing?) or carrier. To me that sounds unlikely. Then again the sound could be coming from your tranny or t-case. But if you're convinced it's in the right rear, give those things a look.

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