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ecu swap (now CPS troubles)

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ECUs aren't really known for being a common failure point.  what symptoms are you experiencing?

where do i start?   I found a 90 comanche that has been sitting for who knows how many years, been fixing small things here and there and got it running pretty well.  So i decide to go on a test drive through a trail behind my house and the jeep started stuttering, quit moving then died.  Started working and found i have no spark so i start reading and testing things, long story short i put in a used cps and it ran :-).   Drove back to the garage and shut it down, came out later and it won't start.  NO SPARK! lol  So i have 3 comanche's and the 89 is a parts truck, received a brand new cps this morning and going to try that but was curious if the puter outa the 89 would work.   I have redone all the grounds in the engine compartment, did ohms tests on coil, undid all electrical connections and added di-electric grease.  so i am hoping when i put in the new cps, hope it works.

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Well i got the NEW cps installed, turned it over and nothing :-(.     Stuck.   Kinda funny, it will start if i unplug the cps and wait 5-10 min, plug back in it will run for 1-5 secs then abrubtly dies and will not restart.   so i unplug 5-10 min plug back in and it starts  WTH.

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*FIXED*  well seems I didn't clean 2 connections, after a friend pointed them out as a possible problem.  It was the 2 connections to the left of the head "i think one grey and one black", one of them was pretty corroded up, cleaned greased and running.  Thankx

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Well just as an update, seems when the truck starts to get warm it is still stalling out with no spark.  I have checked power at the coil after it stalls out and continue reading voltage, so I have a new coil I am getting ready to install.  In the lovely snow I might add. :-/

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