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New Fuel Injectors, TB and intake running horrible

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1992 HO 5speed longbox


So something got messed up. Put in some new injectors, bored TB and a cowl intake today. Went to start up the comanche and it would barely start. Rough idle then dies shortly after. Throwing codes 24 and 65. Any ideas before I start back tracking everything I did today?

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703s black. Guessing those are my issues. I double checked all the wires. The only vacuum hose that isn't connected is the one that runs into the backside of the airbox and connects to a hard plastic tube going around the back of the engine compartment. I'm going to swap the injectors back to stock and see if that solves my problem. I've never had good luck swapping injectors.

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Thanks Akula I'll check it out when I get off work. Until then I have 8 hours of annoying anticipation before I can go figure this crap out. I really don't want to pull the injectors again hahahaha

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When you swapped the TPS to the new throttle body, did you make sure the TB shaft fit into the TPS slot properly as orientated  and without turning it cw or ccw? You have to put it in a 1/8 turn to the right, then turn it to the left to up the screws back in. A jammed or misaligned TPS can cause all the symptoms you are experiencing. Also, start it up and disconnect the TPS connector and see if it makes a difference.


Also, did you reuse the IAC gasket when you transferred it over to the new TB or use a new gasket? They are sometimes difficult to remove w/o tearing them.

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I'm not sure if my TB was aftermarket but there wasn't a gasket when I removed it. I'll double check when I get home. When installing the fuel rail I unplugged the MAP sensor up top and didn't notice. It got rid of my trouble codes but now I have a slight stutter in the motor at idle (hot and cold) with a cold backfire from the exhaust. Before adding all the new stuff it ran smoothly. The RPM gauge isn't bouncing but there is a decent engine vibration that wasn't there before. The only thing I can think of is when I was trying to run it without the map sensor plugged in properly I might've fouled a spark plug or O2 sensor.

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Hmmm. After the vacuum leak did you try and drive it for a short distance (but during that drive maintain 30MPH for at least 30 seconds) for the IAC to "learn" its settings? Also - check the adjustment on the throttle cable. I can't find the link right now on adjusting it - but it's simple.

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Sorry wasn't able to tinker much with it last night but I did discover I unplugged the MAP vacuum when I was putting the fuel rail back in.

She's still stuttering slightly not even enough for it to show on the RPM gauge. I'm guessing the computer just needs to relearn. I'm taking her out for a drive tonight on the highway. I ordered some new spark plugs just incase I fouled any. If I'm going to pull and check them I might as well replace. After that I'll move down to the O2 sensor (which I need to remember to plug in) but hopefully it won't be necessary. I'm probably going to be returning the intake back to stock since the cowl one is insanely annoying.

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  On 8/14/2015 at 3:17 PM, ggcnash said:

Plug the O2 sensor in first!

Yeah definitely. Completely forgot when I drove it all of 1/4 mile to work today but it doesn't really kick in until the truck is warmed up. Usually if the O2 sensor is bad and causing the engine to screw up when you unplug it the engine corrects itself. Tried it out then the manifold got hot as hell so I planned on plugging it back in this morning. Completely forgot.

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  On 8/14/2015 at 3:15 PM, ggcnash said:

Yea, can't remember how many starts is required. I think 50 for the computer to adjust to mods I also reset my computer before first restart.

I forgot the rule about disconnecting the battery during the repair to reset the thing

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