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Earl Pan

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88 4.0 with 12\87 build date.


Been a few months since the engine was tore down.


Can't remember where the metal band I took off of the rear of the oil pan went. Is it on top of the pan or under the pan?


Also whats the normal routine on the one piece gasket. Permatex? Crazy glue? or bare nekkid gasket to metal install?


Priming the oil pump with white grease. Any thoughts?

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Now wait a minute. Yours is shiny and mine is all metal color. That a powder coat?  You went with AMC blue? Allen screws too/ nice touch.



This means I have to hit the band with some fancy paint.



Distributor is out already. It is a new oil pump. Why I am thinking a heavy grease to keep gears lubed.

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