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need help identifying a noise

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So i recently upgraded the 5 speed in my 88 to the ax15 and rebuilt my transfer case with a newer 231, among other things there is a noise that as gotten worse. its a whine from the underside that gets louder as the speed increases, but there is no vibration so I'm not sure that it is something caused by any of the front u joint. Does anyone have suggestions as to what might be causing it? thanks 

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Does it happen with the rev'ing of the engine? 


Does it only happen when in gear? 


Is it louder at higher RPMs? 


Is it more noticable in one gear vs. another?


It may be bearing in the trans or possibly the diff..


I have the same issue when the trans is warm in 1st and 2nd.  Not in the higher gears.  I hear it when the RPMs get above 2500.

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shelbyluv i used an atf i got from work in the t case and i think gl3 in the trans


87mjtim i think it only makes it when in gear, reving the engine up doesnt cause it. it is noticeable in higher gears but i think that is just because of the higher speed. it very well could be the trans because i got it from a junkyard but i almost think it isnt the trans or tcase because it made the noise just not as loud even before i did the swap and rebuilt the case. i had thought it could be u joints because i know at least the front drive shaft one is shot but it doesn't cause a vibration. i hadnt considered the axle thanks.


jeep driver would the linkage not being adjusted actually cause a whining noise?

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I saw a video that had the bearing on the diff going bad.  It would make a high pitch whine.  That would make sence at higher RPMs.


Lift the truck on jackstands and put it in gear and listen for the noise.

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You think GL-3? What did you put in the transmission? The brass parts can be eaten up real quick if you put the wrong fluid in it. Being it was a JY trans who knows what the PO put in it or how often it was changed. I put my money on the trans making noise.

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54bobby don't think its a tire because I've never heard a bad tire cause that noise but I guess its possible.


87mjtim I'll look up a video and see if it sounds similar I'll try and post a video or audio of it sometime soon.


Shelbyluvv yes I'm pretty sure I put gl3 gear oil in it, but even if I didnt and put gl4 or 5 I would think that the newer gl5 fluids would not eat the brass. And I'm not sure about it being the trans because it made it before too

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