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Renix alternator upgrade

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If I posted this before please delete. Been gathering info on a alternator upgrade for awhile. Trying to figure which way to go. The local alternator rebuild shop will rebuild mine to 140 amps for about $150 +/-. Buy something and make it fit or install a  new 160 amp alternator made for the renix.




Anybody tried one of these?

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I do have a full set of uprated cables on order from jon at kelleyswip but I'm not sure if I'm going to actually see those.  I ordered a month ago and have not gotten any shipment notices or even replies to my emails since I sent payment via paypal... I was trying to avoid opening a dispute because he does have an auto response email that says he may take a while to respond due to his living situation but its getting into ridiculous territory at this point.

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I do have a full set of uprated cables on order from jon at kelleyswip but I'm not sure if I'm going to actually see those. I ordered a month ago and have not gotten any shipment notices or even replies to my emails since I sent payment via paypal... I was trying to avoid opening a dispute because he does have an auto response email that says he may take a while to respond due to his living situation but its getting into ridiculous territory at this point.

I would open the dispute, nothing against Jon, but it's just to protect yourself.

I have purchased from Jon before, was all good and he kept me in the loop. Answered my emails within a week, and that wss fine with me. As long as I was aware of what was going on I was happy.

If he has been having issues, it might be best to start the dispute process as a reminder, it may have been lost along the way. It also gives you both more time to deal with any delays and opens a second line of communication.


That's just me ... I usually open the dispute on day 45 regardless, been caught a few times by good people having problems.

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