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No starts, hunting idle and high RPM at start

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The answer to all three, in a perfect world, would be CPS, O2 sensor and TPS. All of which are new, sometimes twice over. It's not these sensors. Grounds are refreshed and improved per Cruisers tips. C101 eliminated. The no starts are usually after it's been running, shut off, and started within a few minutes after. It's rare, but happens. Sometimes, either cold or warm, the engine starts at 3000 RPM and gets higher, sometimes correcting itself, other times just keeps climbing. Also rare. And the last problem is a hunting idle. Cold, it idles about 800 RPM, and just drops to 200 for a few seconds, especially when a load is applied like power steering. It has quit before because of this. When warm, the hunting is minimal, only about a 1 or 200 RPM difference. Does that mean it is switching to closed loop? Vacuum lines are also new. 


     So, if it's not the sensors or grounds, what am I missing? Or am I really THAT unlucky to get 3 DOA TPS', 2 DOA CPS', and a DOA O2? I hate throwing money into sensors, it's a waste of time and patience that could be put into finding the actual problem.

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Idle Air Control?

That's new too, but doesn't usually cause these issues. 



I hope you figure this one out because my XJ is doing something similar, minus the no starts...


Glad to hear I'm not alone on this one. I even did the timing advance and moved the CPS closer to the flywheel to get a higher output, which is does get whenever I test it. 

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You are setting the TPSs on the engine side, correct?


Results from Tip 5?


Ever checked out Tip 14? 

I am, TPS is outputting a good voltage and set perfectly.


I did tip 5 today, didn't see that last time I looked over your notes. So far so good, but like I said before it was a rare no start.


Tip 14 has been done, it does idle really nicely when it's warm with a small hunt. Think I got a dead o2?

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Click on the link in my signature about the rough idle.... Ive done just about everything to fix my idle issue and it is finally good.

Wow, that's a pretty extensive thread. Read through it all, but was confused as to what actually solved your problem. Sounded like alot of trial and error going on. Thanks for that link, learned something. 

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