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Measuring LCAs/Stock LCA images?

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I did a quick search, but nothing came up.


When measuring control arms, do you measure eyelet to eyelet? This is the only way that makes sense to me. Or do you measure from one end to the other following along the arm?


I've been looking around and I'm pretty sure my LCA aren't stock. Can someone post pics of stock front LCA up?



MY control arms now a square tubing, with a bend in them. At the bend is a diamond shaped weld. I'll get pics later. If someone can identify my LCA when I get a picture that'd be awesome!






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Yours are not stock. The stocks are straight and are made of what appears to be folded sheet metal. The diamond you describe seems to indicate a fabbed set of arms with those being reinforcements at the bend.  Measurement is eye-to-eye. Google Cherokee control arms and you will get more info than you can handle. http://gojeep.willyshotrod.com/HowtoWJcontrolarms.htm

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