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Hello all!


I just swapped out my idiot light gauge cluster in my 87 for a cluster that has oil pressure, temp, and ammeter guages along with the speedo and the fuel gauge. Everything works well after changing the oil pressure and temp sensors. One weird thing going on is that the speedo needle jumps all over the place until I hit approximately 35-40mph, then it climbs abd falls pretty smoothly UNTIL the speed dips below 35, then it's all over the place again. What gives?

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Cool. Sorry, I was being dumb. Of course you can! I did, after all, pull the one I have now to adjust the mileage to match my original. I'll be giving up the trip odo, but at least it won't bounce around.

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If it isn't one thing, it's another. lol



So, I swapped speedometers between clusters today, and everything seemed to be working well until I turned on my headlights. When I did so, my turn signal indicators turned on and my ammeter, oil pressure, and fuel gauges all went dead. My temp gauge may or may not be working, as I havent driven the 'manche enough to bring it up to operating temp. The gauge DOES go all the way to the right and then back to 0 when I crank/turn the truck on. At least I know the gauge is getting juice. What do you guys think I did wrong?



Oh, btw, my speedo is smooooth now!

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So... I swapped out the headlight switch with a new, Borg Warner unit.  The switch feels great, has smooth travel in every direction, and is generally a high quality unit.  


My issue continued.  SO... I decided to just swap back to my old idiot-light gauge cluster.  When I proceeded to pull my cluster, I found that only one of the retaining tabs on the connector going to the main gauges was attached.  I popped both tabs in... and all my junk worked!!!  I still swapped out the switch (What the hell, right?), and now my cluster and lights work as they should.... for the most part.  I still haven't driven the MJ enough to make the temp change.  Time will tell how it works. 

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