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Cranium-Anus Insertion

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Ol Jimbo is p*ssed. Feeling better today so was out working on a '96 XJ, 2.5, AX15. After checking fluids I topped off the power steering pump cylinder with a pint of anti freeze. Caught my mistake immediately but it was to late. So now i have a yucky mess in my steering. My question is can I just keep flushing it out with PS fluid until it's clear, or should I use something to help clean it out? I ran it for a minute B4 I caught it so it's pretty well mixed up.  :doh:  :fs1:

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Ol Jimbo is p*ssed. Feeling better today so was out working on a '96 XJ, 2.5, AX15. After checking fluids I topped off the power steering pump cylinder with a pint of anti freeze. Caught my mistake immediately but it was to late. So now i have a yucky mess in my steering. My question is can I just keep flushing it out with PS fluid until it's clear, or should I use something to help clean it out? I ran it for a minute B4 I caught it so it's pretty well mixed up.  :doh:  :fs1:

I'd just flush it with PS fluid, Then top it off turn the wheel for a bit & drain re-fill it again. Should be fine.

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I'd disconnect the return line from the reservoir, drain it, hook the return back up, fill the res with PS fluid, then run the engine while turning the steering wheel stop-to-stop for a minute or two. Repeat until the res drain is all PS fluid.

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On some Mazda 3's there was a recall where we needed to flush the power steering system. We drained the rest at the return line. Left the return line loose to drain into a pan. We the connected a large container to the pump supply line and ran 3 gallons of fluid through the system to flush it all the while cycling the wheel back and forth. Not sure if your system will need 3 gallons gone through it but that would definitely clean it out.

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