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Non-Running Mj...help!!!

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I used to pack a spare ignition slider switch in my testing equipment box. You can unplug the harness and plug the switch in to test with a screwdriver without taking the column apart. Take care not to push the slider too far or the power will cut out. Tilt and non-tilt use different switches, but they are wired the same (just reversed direction for the slider). They are also a common GM one.

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Started yesterday no problems. Will not start today.


First off can anyone identify these two open connections?




I truly am stumped on this intermittent start issue. Is ignition switch even a likely culprit?


I do not know where else to look.

Red wire would have gone to under hood light. Second wire is hard to tell location based on photo, guessing passenger side near rear of motor so a/c or abs related.

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I abandoned all known factors and started over. Turns out I was looking in all the wrong places.


Initially I had taken it to a mechanic and had a feeling it was ignition related, but not sure. He ran some tests and confirmed my suspicions. After replacing a few parts, cps ICM, still same problem. (Not impressed with my mechanic)


Started over by pouring a dash of gas into throttle body. Started right up. Runs a little rough then smooths out and will re-start once warm.


I have spark. I do not have fuel.


Once it is running it runs very well. I thought maybe dirty fuel system/injectors and did some cleaning. It runs even smoother now but still will not start without fluid initially. I checked all motor grounds and ground behind taillight. Fuel pump kicks on when key is turned and obviously allows the truck to run. I feel like I am so close but so far. This has been a very long process.


I cannot find a resistor in the engine compartment for the fuel pump while cranking.


Also I do not know which relay operates the pump but if it is working the relay should be fine?

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Your truck being an 87 means it doesn't have the ballast resistor for the pump as far as I understand it.
If you truly do believe it is a fueling issue, and the filter is new, then I would start off with a pressure test on the system.   

Oh, and as far as the relay on the drivers side inner fender.  Supposedly that is the electric fan relay.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got some results from the pressure test. Of course it starts this time. Pressure stays right at 31psi. Should it be higher or is this adequate?


Could my problem have something to do with an air sensor? I have fuel and spark but possibly no fuel delivered when cranking....ideas anyone?

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