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Is This Right? Stuff Not Connected...

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Trying to figure out my first MJ here folks. Let me know what you think of these things... should they be connected to something?


#1 - blue vacuum line goes nowhere, it's by the firewall under the coolant pressure tank:


I don't know if it's related but I have heat only (no A/C) and the temperature selector does not change the actual temp, it's always hot.


#2 brown 2-wire connector over kind of beside the master cylinder:


#3 a single red wire on the passenger side of the engine bay, lots of length to it



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1. I believe the blue vacuum hose should go to the vacuum ball located behind the bumper on the passenger side.there should be another hose connecting the two.The heat/ ac selector is a cable located under the passenger side of the dash make sure it's hooked up . The two are not related but if you can't change to vent / defrost etc . The blue vacuum hose being unplugged is you culprit .

2. That's a plug for lowwasher fluid which is not used to my knowledge on Mjs but is used on xjs



3. That's is the optional under hood light plug . Being I don't see one on your truck it's good where it's at.

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Thanks cruiser, I was looking under the hood, I found the line going to the vacuum ball but it was connected to other stuff. It seems odd the blue line would just hang out there and do nothing but I believe you :-)


I also looked under the dash and I can see where the blend door cable has popped off the clip thing. So that'll be an easy fix. Thanks.

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Thanks cruiser, I was looking under the hood, I found the line going to the vacuum ball but it was connected to other stuff. It seems odd the blue line would just hang out there and do nothing but I believe you :-)


I also looked under the dash and I can see where the blend door cable has popped off the clip thing. So that'll be an easy fix. Thanks.

Great news. 


FWIW, I would do the following and eliminate all that axle disconnect stuff.  


Here's why.


The big issue is that the CAD system only fails when you need it the most.
Kinda like when you don't realize your wiper blades need replacing til it rains....
I know somebody’s system works and he advocates keeping it stock, but my exposure to the failures is probably hundreds of times greater than his, as a result of being Service Manager at  a Jeep dealership from 1980 through 1992, and being a current XJ and MJ owner. 
CAD stinks. Every Jeep I work on with it, I eliminate it. Guess what I find in the process?  25 year old busted vac lines, bloated vac line connectors, bad vac reservoirs and piping. In other words, had the person gotten into a sticky situation and needed 4WD, they would have been screwed!!!
That's the tip of the iceberg. The factory went through 3 revisions of the shift fork also. The fork issue is non-existent if you just slide it over and leave it. 
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