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Valve Cover

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I found a couple on fleabay but they are pricy. 75 and up? wtf? also, the ones I found do NOT have the opening for the vacuum return at the rear of the cover, only the fill cap and the line that runs to the intake. would it be compatible and what would I do with my existing vacuum line? just plug it up and if so, would it affect performance?

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well I replaced the cracked valve cover with a new plastic one. i'll keep my eyes open for a clean metal one. the fleabay ones where beat to hell. I also gave her a tune up w/ plugs, wires, cap and rotor. no need to move the ac unit to change the #1 plug when the vc was off, fairly easy acess. hardest part of the job was getting that rear bolt back in in the dark at 25 degrees. 

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