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Today Is The Iron Bowl!


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The iron Bowl is tomorrow, and I now wish my sister did not sell her season tickets (including the Iron Bowl).  I think it will be a good game and I am hoping it will be a close scoring one as well.  I don't really follow college football or know how the ranking system works so......  Ultimately I want a team from the State of Alabama to go to the National Championship game.  But I would be thrilled if Auburn won the Iron Bowl, and so on.

My family has planned a gathering to finish off Thanksgiving leftovers, and for some other home made goodies.  Tomorrow will be a great day with family, no matter what team wins. :cheers:

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Both my daughters both went to UA (as in 'Bama) so you know who I'm for. I think whoever wins the Iron Bowl tomorrow will be the next BCS champ. And since the Tide has been doing such a great job in those games lately, I see no reason for the Tide not to keep rolling. Auburn will be very tough at home, but who's left after them? The SEC championship game will probably be against Missouri, then the BCS maybe Ohio State?  No worries with either one of them.  :yes: 

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If Alabama loses this game tonight, I will not be upset - Auburn deserves it. I've never the Tide play a more tentative, sloppy game, especially defensively. Their kicker really sucks too.


EDIT: HOWEVER, if this new kicker makes this field goal, all is forgiven.

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Here where bad plays on both sides. I am glad the game is over lol.


So, because Ohio won their game, does auburn have a chance an the national?


We won't know anything for sure until the Big 10 and SEC conference championship games are played out. If Auburn can beat either Missouri or S. Carolina in the SEC game, then they should go to the BCS. I hope so. I'm an Auburn fan now...........

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Ohio did indeed beat the crap out of UMASS last night 51-23. I don't think that it has any bearing on the BCS though. Ohio State's win today muddies the waters. They should be a lock for #2 but struggling to beat an unranked team that was 7-4 coming in will not win them any style points. Huge rivalries often make for close games so who knows?

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