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North Carolina


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I kinda don't want this to get buried. Let's set something up, fellas. 




Yea, where are you thinking?  Cause I'm outside of Raleigh and would love to meet some local MJ and Jeep enthusiasts. :yes:

Outside of Raleigh? I drive up there often for my drill weekends, outta drive by raleigh/durham intl National Guard, look for a camo MJ! I think one of our pilots owns a black MJ also, I see it there all the time, but still don't know who owns it. 

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I'm in Seymour Johnson AFB.... Goldsboro NC. I frequently go to Raleigh NC and Chesapeake VA. I unfortunately have three MJs that don't run. I have 1 I might be able to get cranking by the time for a meet and great  :yes:

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