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Harsh Shifting Aw4 (More Info)

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been driving it for a while now and I've got a bit more info.  sometimes (not always) when I go to accelerate from a stop, the engine will rev (as if I had shifted into neutral) and then the trans will suddenly bang hard when it does go into gear.  If I catch it in time, I can back off the gas and the bang is much less harsh.

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First you have to determine if the harsh shift is due to hydraulics or a bad TCU. First check the TV cable adjustment detailed in this thread:




If okay, then do the manual shifting test by disconnecting the inline fuse from the TCU under the right side dash, or unplugging the connector from the module. Then go for a drive and manually shift from the 3 position to the 1-2 position, then to D to see if the harsh shift is gone.

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