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Been Gone A While


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Well I have been away for a few yrs.  


Latest updates are I still have my MJ truggy, but now it is just a MJ cab.. and a lot more tube.  Still being worked on, but it is a lot closert then it was before.


I still have my chop top xj I wheel.  It is now rolling on 37 pitbulls... and thats about it.


I also now have a 16 month old baby girl named Avery.. and life is awesome.


Lastly I just syrvived my 2nd battle with cancer, and I am now getting back to work soon.


here is a pic of my xj 2 weeks ago at the Cove campground





here is the start of the rear of my truggy...




with the actual tires I am using



the cage work  on the rear 75% done



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Thank again guys...


Pete first plan is to change the cage in the Turd... so Avery has a seat in the back middle.  Then I am going to work on a 24volt jeep buggy thing.  She all ready has a 6 volt quad she rides the heck out of.


As for beating the Big C.. it is amazing I am under 40 and have had two different forms of cancer all ready..   I am praying there isnt a third.

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