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Storm Out Break


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Praying for Oklahoma :(


We got by pretty easy here. 107 mph wind downed a few trees and splattered most of our freshly laid landscape mulch against the house.

Yeah, I'm wanting to take a trip down there to help, there was a couple that lived down there that helped me load some MRE's and powerade in my dads Ram that live down there. I believe I should return the favor


And sorry to hear about your land, I was making sure the storms didnt hit yor town, I got stuck in Fredonia ks yesterday. right in between 2 tornados. Hope everything there isnt too hard to redo


One was close to hitting us today, missed Joplin but hit Neosho. My friends Wrangler's hinges got bent by the storm. he was in Neosho.


Glad that everyone is safe so far.

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Me too. Everything went north of us this time, just some flooding here, and while you always breathe a sigh of relief, you really feel for the good folks that got hit. April is a tough month for tornadoes; be glad when it's over. 

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Me too. Everything went north of us this time, just some flooding here, and while you always breathe a sigh of relief, you really feel for the good folks that got hit. April is a tough month for tornadoes; be glad when it's over. 

Yeah, I hear you, its just sad that it happened, people here are already planning on going down to help out. I know how much one truck can do, my dads truck did a lot and I know the MJ would do good in helping haul stuff.  


Glad to see that you are safe.

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When I would drive thru Oklahoma and Southern Kansas I was constantly amazed at seeing an old, abandoned  100-150 year old farm house leaning a little crooked but still standing, while right next to it would be what was left of a new house, built to code, completely scattered across the country side thanks to a twirly whirly. Did I just set a record for the longest sentence on CC?

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