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First Jeep I Ever Touch! Kinda Need Help! Lol

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Hi Guys, My Name Is Victor, I live in Sunny Puerto Rico.


Recently i got a gift from the police department! My ford Ranger was impounded as part of an investigation into a shooting! My truck got shoot several times :( I miss you :( 


So the investigation took 6 months and low and behold my truck went missing from the police impound!


They gave me some insurance money,

but what cha think they insurance company pays out for a stolen 10 year old pickup truck that is riddled by bullet holes?

Not much let me tell you! 


So the guys at that same station noticed that there was a Red Jeep Pickup Truck that had been sitting for 4 years in their lot and 

miraculously with just a new car battery the thing started up! There was a bit of old dried blood in the back were I guess the owner got killed,

but the department got all the papers in line and they gifted it to me!!!     :) 


Such Nice terrible 3rd world country style of policing but heck at least they were thoughtful! 


Now this things rear end was under cover but the front end was exposed to the element 4 year with no windows. 


I wanna Fix the thing up but I do not wanna spend cash! 


This is my journey to kill or revive a posses evil Jeep Comanche! My  "Christine"   :)   I just hope she loves me back!



So as for me and my mechanics skill, they have all been on toyota corollas SR5's 1974 to 1979 and the Jeep mechanics seem odd to me! 

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Run! don't walk, get as far away from it as soon as you can!

Unless you want to own a truck that many will admire, some will try to steal and your

wife/girlfriend will be continuously be complaining about.

Really seriously, If you want a rare vehicle that you can put your heart and soul into,

then keep the Comanche and welcome to the insanity club.

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Pictures are bad yes i KNow 



Here is How i got it!




That was the first thing I touched to get a feel for her, as to say our first kiss!




Now the fun part the totally gone floor Panel, I wonder if i could use some shovels i have laying round for scrap metal to fill up the hole!

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Run! don't walk, get as far away from it as soon as you can!

Unless you want to own a truck that many will admire, some will try to steal and your

wife/girlfriend will be continuously be complaining about.

Really seriously, If you want a rare vehicle that you can put your heart and soul into,

then keep the Comanche and welcome to the insanity club.

Thanx you give me Energy to tackle this!  Maybe no shovels then!

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On the roof repair is that filler or did you weld a patch panel in?


Just remember that a Comanche is a uni-body so all body metal is part of the structure!


OH and I think you traded up!!! The Comanche is way cooler :)

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On the roof patch I put a piece of metal on the inside were the visor is screwed in and 3m mesh on the outside!


Jenssen thank you for the advise! 


So I will bake it open again! and weld some metal there, What Gauge do you think I should go with on the metal 20?


And all I got to weld with is a Arc welder, So i will have to buy a new welder right?


Which do you recommend?


I guess I am gonna have to rethink my strategy on how to tackle this truck! 



On A side note, I am very good with fiberglass and I studied Sculpture so we can

say I am a frustrated Artist  but that said, I wanted to custom make the front 

of the truck and was wondering what you guys may think of my sketch of what

I wanted to do to the truck,

Please be brutal and critic me and my aesthetics as hard as possible !

 Hard critic makes me overcome !




So this is the idea! To make it look like a WW2 military vehicle. Whatcha guys think, too Fugly or to retro?

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Well, this post reassured me to never travel outside of the US. I have a buddy who wants me to go to PR with him when he visits his family. I like my blood right where it is currently so I will pass. As for the retro-build, you would need to keep it within the proportions of the Jeep already or it would like Sarah Jessica Parker's face rolling around with a Jeep tailgate chasing it. Could work if don't properly. Good luck



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Thank You RockMJ !!!


"Wet horse" will be her name ! Just like Sarah Jessica ;)


If you come to puerto rico and are blond or very "Gringo" nothing will happen to you!

You will have a ball.

Now if you look Latino and your friend wants you to visit his humble family in the country side.................

You would have to stick to him like glue!

The tourist areas are super safe.

..... Wet Horse


you installed the newer grill, is it a simple swap?

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My wife and I were in Puerto Rico a couple years ago. We left on a cruise ship outta San Juan. We stayed there in total 3 days. Tourist area where we were was really nice. Ride to the airport, well I didnt want to go off the interstate. San Juan Airport is like a blast from the past too. They still have donky kong arcade machines there. And lots of great cheap rum.  :thumbsup:


But back on topic.... Wet Horse should be very interesting. can't wait to see what you do with it!

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