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Enamel Paint

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Any one have experience with it? I'm having trouble, first coat was sat went on good looked good had some runs 13 hrs later i sanded down and resprayed. Well it went bad sunk into first run and crackled looking.

Well now weds and not dry. i mixed per instructions and it said 5-10 hr dry time at 70. My garage is 75 and still not dry. What did i do what can i do to correct more hardener? I'm hoping to get the compressor back to my step dad

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Have any pics? What kind of paint and what are you reducing it with?

I've seen cheap enamels take a long time to dry especially when thinner is substituted for reducer.


As long as you sprayed the same paint over the first you shouldn't be getting a reaction.

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Same paints same reducers same hardners. I don't get it.

Enamel paints react badly to other types of paint especially clear coat. That cracked tacky finish means it will never dry and will have to be chemically removed.
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But he says the first coat went ok, if it was dry enough to sand it should have been ok to reshoot.


It won't be hard to remove, it can be scrubbed off with reducer then what's left can be sanded off.but then you will have to start over.

Typically when I shoot enamels either acrylic or alkyd I try to be done in one session so I don't have to recoat again.

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Before you sprayed the paint, did you perhaps wipe the area down with prep-sol or maybe used a tack cloth?  I've had reactions to prep-sol like you mentioned if not left long enough to completely evaporate.  The only other thing I can think of is maybe you didn't let the paint/reducer/hardener flash long enough in the gun? The chemicals need 10 or 15 minutes to bond properly before spraying.


How about some pictures?

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As I'm scrapping it away the primer isnt even tackie just the paint.

Odd tho half the hood is hard half is not as of today. I'm cranking the heat to 55 setpoint

i don't wanna see my gas bill. Ill try to get a pic later on. I did wipe it down nothing harse i don't believe that was an issue as i waited 30 mins after

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