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Dana 35

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Exactly what is the weakness of the Dana 35? Spider gears? Ring gear? tubes coming loose? Metal flexing, etc. Is there a way it can be overcome or improved? Swap gears with stronger aftermarket? Weld the tubes? Truss it? Drill holes in the assembly for improved air cooling? Don't start on swapping with a Dana44. or AMC20. I'm just curious as to what the weakness is. In reading everything the C clip coming loose or breaking and letting the axle take off seems to be the biggy. :dunno:

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Lately, whenever Ive seen one on here thats went bad, its the spiders that have grenaded and took out the rest of the internals. And if you get rid of the spiders and install a locker, then you break axles, or if the axle doesnt break, the housing bends. I think C-clips were only in later model 35's, but yeah, they werent any good either. For what it would take to beef up a 35, you could buy and install something else just as good or better.

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For me it was axle snaps, two in a year, both on the driver's side. I suppose it was the stroker as both happened at stop lights taking off. It's embarrassing. Never hurt the spiders or ring and pinion. Should be fine and last forever with a 2.5 and stock tires though. One thing about the c-clips is that the axles are simple to change.

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For me it was axle snaps, two in a year, both on the driver's side. I suppose it was the stroker as both happened at stop lights taking off. It's embarrassing. Never hurt the spiders or ring and pinion. Should be fine and last forever with a 2.5 and stock tires though. One thing about the c-clips is that the axles are simple to change.


I've had 3 XJs and 2 MJs with a D35. The only axle I killed was the one behind the only 2.5, with the smallest tires of any of them.


I don't know if it's anything I did though, as the carrier bearings went out on it.

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Contrary to popular belief, a smaller engine can be harder on the drive train than a larger one. Reason being people revving it harder and slamming the gears when shifting and letting out the clutch than they do with the larger engine.

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