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What Manuals Are You Using?

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I am getting my taxes here soon :D and have my mind set on a Comanche.

I decided NOT to go with what I've grown up on, a '85 Toyota. I hope I am making the right choice :dunno:

Iv'e been doing the research on what to look for and what avoid. I have been looking for a good manual as I know I'm going to have to turn the wrench a lot initially. What are you guys recommending?

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I have both Chiltons and Haynes. I like the Haynes more because it cross references to other steps to perform when you are repairing/replacing parts. The Chiltons just states "remove X...reinstall X." But, I refer to both when I start to work on something I am not familar with (which is a lot.)


I searched and found a Factory Service Manual (FSM) online that (supposedly) covered "84 - 87 Comanches". The years had me concerned, since the MJ started in 86.


I bit the bullet and bought the FSM. Upon looking it over, it only covered the 86 models. It did not have any info about 4.0 eng. or BA10/5 trans. I returned it and got a full refund.

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I found a FREE Factory Service manual to years but it says 84-93... It sounds kinda weird but i downloaded it and it seems like a good manual. It has the 4cyl, V6, and 4.0 engines. its like a 366 page manual in PDF form.


Can I post a 27meg file on a forum? Id be happy to show everyone what it looks like.

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87-90 should be the same. Except for the tranny section. My 89 set has a seperate book for the ax15 and the 90 should have ax15 info while the 87-88 should be the peugeot


What do the covers look like? Where did you purchase them from? (More than just ebay.)

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I also think that the FSM is the very best manual to use. They're not

cheap (like auto store manuals) but I've found them worth their weight

in gold for level of accurate detail. My OEM two volume set for 1992 cost

me about $75.00. I keep them behind the driver seat.

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I see this one on ebay:




It is a two volume, where the other was only one volume. It also (says it) covers 86 to 88, not like the other which was 84-87.


Your thoughts? Is this what you have in your garage/shop?

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The original MR 277 just covered the '86 MJ. first published in July '85. What the seller on ebay has done was take the '85, '86, '87 '88 manuals and combine them. Personally I think it's a good deal. Saves buying 4 seperate books and covers the range. The one advertised as covering '84-'87 covered both MJ and XJ. This one just covers the MJ.

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You want the one that looks like this. All years look the same, just different colors.



Read the description close, some will show a pic of the book but it is actually a CD. Most have a book for engine, chassis, and body, and a seperate electrical manual. My 89 set also had two more books, one for the ax15 and one for the abs system.

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The original MR 277 just covered the '86 MJ. first published in July '85. What the seller on ebay has done was take the '85, '86, '87 '88 manuals and combine them. Personally I think it's a good deal. Saves buying 4 seperate books and covers the range. The one advertised as covering '84-'87 covered both MJ and XJ. This one just covers the MJ.


Awesome. I just grabbed one off e-bay. Maybe it will help with my brake lights!

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Awesome. I just grabbed one off e-bay. Maybe it will help with my brake lights!


Which ones did you order - the one volume or two volume? Let me know what you think of them...before I purchase again.


BTW, what's the detail on your MJ?

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Keep an eye out at the swap meets too. There is always a huge booth with a ton of books. Ask them where thee Jeep stuff is. Usually, he's going to walk to the back, dust off a forgotten crate, and let you pick through. I've bought a handful locally this way. No shipping, face to face haggle. They always seem to be willing to move the lesser Jeep stuff in favor for room of others... Also, keep a sharp eye out at the junkyard. I was rifling through an XJ once and stumbled upon an FSM. I brought it up with me and put it on the counter. The guy just looked at it, looked at me, and said "Big @$$ owners manual, $5". I kept my mouth shut and gave the man my money.


Rob :D

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Anyone that has an 87-90 Renix

I recommend the 1989 set.

Very complete, and well laid out.


91-92 HO, get either the 91, or 92 books


The problem is with the 86's.

One thing Chrysler did better than AMC was its FSM's.


AMC would put out a main manual to cover the body,

then each major component had its own smaller manual.


So if you have an 86' MJ w/ a 2.8L & an AX-5,

you'd need the brown, main MJ book + the 2.8L & AX-5 books.

^^^my recommendation would be to get those + the 1989 Chrysler set

(Chrysler bought AMC in 87', but took till model year 1989' to revise the manuals.)

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OCD - obsessive compulsive disorder :yes:


You say that like its a bad thing ;)


That pic is about half of the Jeep literature collected over the years.


Jeep stuff was literally 'throw away' material (slightly better than "Renault stuff") for the AMC guys years ago.

One awesome AMC vender would put all the Jeep stuff he'd end up with throughout the year aside in a big box for me.

Then hit me with a very fair all-or-nothing "Jim's Jeep Box Price" when I'd see him.

Ended up with some very interesting stuff from that guy (thanks Jesse!!!)


The rest were picked up on Ebay & car shows for $5-30 each before FSM prices went insane.

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Let me write you a prescription for your ocd.


1. purchase a scanner. It should have a document feeder with dual sided scanning.

2. remove the binding from the books. beginning with the ones for the '87s,

3. get yourself an adult beverage.

4. begin scanning.

5. send me the files to review.

6. repeat as necessary.

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Which ones did you order - the one volume or two volume? Let me know what you think of them...before I purchase again.


BTW, what's the detail on your MJ?


I picked the combined service manual on CD. Id rather have the paper ones, but the item description said it is a PDF. I figure I can get it printed and bound at Staples if I find myself using it a lot.




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