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Tranmission Mount

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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to change my transmision mount on my 88 4.0 5 speed 4x4 but the mount from autozone napa carquest or o'rilleys don't match what is currently on my truck. I took some pictures of what I have. I also looked for a part number stamp but did not find one. Please help.


On a side note can you tell me what differential I have. Thanks in advance















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I don't see any pictures but you have a Peugeot BA/10 4x4 transmission and I think you'll need to check Rockauto.com or TeamCherokee.com to find that mount. Good luck. Your differentials are most likely Dana 30 front and 35 in the back. I have seen Dana 44s in the rear but that is rare. Pictures help but you can image search the two and see the differences in shape to compare to what is under your truck.

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I found it at teamcherokee. Thank You I wonder why all of the parts stores kept giving me the wrong part.


Because most part stores are operated by monkeys getting numbers off of a computer, and those computers are generally wrong. To cite a quick example, I saw an eBay listing for an XJ ECU that would work in 84-96.... which is impossible.


It's always best, whenever possible, to take your old part in with you when you get the new one.

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