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Ax-15 Out Of Oil (Completely Empty). Damage?

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As the title says the AX-15 on my '90 apparently had/has one heck of a leak. I pulled the drain plug and about 2 oz of oil and goo came out. I refilled it and have been monitoring the oil level. It seems ok (not noisy) but is a bit "notchy" and can be harder to shift into 3rd at times. I'm looking at pulling the drivetrain out when I swap the motor (worn out 4.0 out, better 4.0 in) and wondered what to do with the trans. There's no bearing whine per se but running completely empty for an indetermined amount of time is worrisome to say the least. Thoughts?

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A grind into 3rd is a common symptom with the AX15. Not nessisarly related at all to your experience.


I've heard that this is normaly a sign of bad sycros, BUT could this also be caused by a failing slave cylinder not fully engaging/disengaging perhaps? I bring this up because my ax-15 is bad about this "notching/grinding" thing, especially going from 1st to 2nd AND 2nd to 3rd.

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I've been keeping the trans topped off with 10W-30 and it looses 1/2-3/4 quart every 3K miles. Other than going into 3rd the trans seems to behave ok. The slave seems ok but I will say the clutch is oil soaked. If I didn't have to pull the motor I'd leave it alone but since it will come along for the ride on the cherry picker it would be the perfect time to investigate. Is there a way to inspect the innards of the AX-15 without separting the front case from the intermediate plate? Based on the 2WD AX-15 I autopsied I'd say no but that was the first one I ever pulled apart.

I'd hate to pull the trans 10k after pulling the motor but, if an investigation isn't warranted then I'll be happy to hook the new motor to it and drop the whole thing back in.

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There is no way to look at the innards without pulling the case off the midplate... and it's not that bad. I think there's 12 or 14 bolts holding the case together, and to get the front case off, you'll need to pop the bearing retainer off (sounds like it's leaking anyway and needs a gasket), and remove the o-rings on the bearings.

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