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I don't know when the last time I dropped in was... So, I figured I'd pop by and say Hi.


I sold my Comanche last year, I might have stopped in when I did, I honestly don't remember. It was too bad, but I was never going to get back to working on it :( Unfortunately I don't know if I people I sold it to will do much with it either. They had big dreams to compete in Highriders (an Alberta competition that's fairly relaxed) with my chassis.


Anyways, moving forwards with my life I finally bought a house. If everything goes as planned I get possession on Feb 3rd. No shop, but it wasn't expensive and there's space to build one! So, hopefully I'll get my recreational life back on track and maybe I'll be back to contribute something to this forum again.


So, hello everybody :wavey: What have I missed? Juicy gossip? Did Pete's neighbours make him get rid of all of his 'extra' MJs? Who is still around?

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Congrats on the home purchase. way better to own then rent


Thanks! It's fairly ridiculous, I rent a crappy room for $500/month, plus I had been renting a shop for $300/month on top of that, mortgage payment on this house is $415.01/month :eek: And that gets me 1900sqft and .54 of an acre. Sure, I'm going to sink some money into the place to build a shop and make the house a little nicer, but at least it's mine and hopefully it won't ever be worth less than it is now :clapping:

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the city won't let me park them in the empty parking lot, won't let me park them in the street, but I went to court and won and can at least park them in my driveway as long as I want. :D


At least you had some success! Although I imagine the driveway has absolutely zero exposed surface area now? :D

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Congrats on the home purchase. way better to own then rent


mortgage payment on this house is $415.01/month :eek: And that gets me 1900sqft and .54 of an acre.




lol i realize were in different countries but i get half the sq footage at twice the price, but its mine

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no pics of your new digs?


and when are you getting that next comanche? :D



Pictures I took for the insurance. She's a '64 model, so she's not exactly perfect anymore, but the yard is nice and mostly private (only one neighbour, and there's most of a green break between us, might consider a fence).


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Sorry, my finger kinda wound up in a few of them, I was using my phone and I never take pictures with it :ack: Edit, 'Rick' looks like he's taking a leak in the last picture too! But he's not.


Next MJ... Hmm. I don't know. Now that I have some space I'll be watching Craigslist and Kijiji. I could use a nice driver, then I could park my Chevy/Duramax for a while (it's a little overdue for a servicing). Cost to run either of them around town is probably about the same. I might even *gasp* consider a 4cyl. Probably should get my shop built and equipped before I start collecting though!

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Congrats on the home purchase. way better to own then rent


mortgage payment on this house is $415.01/month :eek: And that gets me 1900sqft and .54 of an acre.




lol i realize were in different countries but i get half the sq footage at twice the price, but its mine



Rates are really low right now, and I'd been saving for 3 years to buy a house, but never worked up the courage till now :rotf: So I had a chunk of money to put down. Also, there's some good deals to be had if you catch the right break. This one has been listed for 120 days without much interest at all, and certainly not an offer, so they were happy when I was even willing to play ball.

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Hey Dirt, real good to hear from you again. :cheers: Still in the helo business?


Good to see you're still around! Yeah, still fixing choppers, it's been busy, and looks like it's going to be really busy this year. We've already got as much work booked as we reasonably can take on.

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