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Nates 4x4


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...just a comment on how people with money/available credit/tools/experience too often don't seem to "get" that many get by in this passion on a shoestring budget of all of those items. And sometimes that shoestring means no place/equipment to fab stuff. And without the place/equipment you never had the chance to build the skills to fab stuff.


Those that have the good fortune to have the money/available credit/place/equipment/experience to fab their own stuff or purchase completed or nearly completed rigs should keep in mind that they are indeed fortunate. But not everyone is...



I feel what your saying, and see and appreciate your more directed point to previous loose comment. That is why my comments were all in reference to bumper price/look/qualityprotection based on that its built by a fab shop not a "individual", and that I wondered why a individual might not save longer..

we all sadly have budgets, that's why almost everything on mine is used parts and self built (since buying already 97+ swapped for far less than build cost). Could have bought new....but then I could not have paid cash. No matter what we all continue to have a vision of a even better MJ no matter our budget or skills. Were all MJ guys.

My tact was weak, but point was simply a fab shop should be able to build some form and function at that price point.


Cheers to another MJ specific product. That is always a good thing.


Sorry for jumpin' on your @$$ when all ya did was state your opinion Jason.. Didnt mean to be rude.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes. It came with the brackets that attach to the frame rails and for the bumper I got he threw in the grade 8 hardware that I needed. Be careful when taking off old bumper brackets, it does reuse holes and I stripped off one head so I only have 5 bolts holding the bracket to the frame. But that will be enough for what I want it for and I could always add more in the future.

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Just so everyone knows, if you have a swb the brackets Nate sells will not work without modification, we are currently working with Nate though to get some working swb brackets made up.


has this been verified? i always thought that there was no difference between SWB and LWB bumper brackets.


and i like the bumper after the mods to the width were made. otherwise it seems like they didnt even measure the actual width when they made it.

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Mine did not come with brackets I am awaiting a reply from him.

Thats odd. Mine came with the brackets creatively mounted to the bumper. He had put a wood 2x4 between the 2 spots where the brackets go and the brackets were connected to that flush up against the bumper so they werent sticking way out. I'm pretty sure its just I'm making these, maybe another person or two so I was patient with the bumper. And the hardware was about a week later arriving at my house.

Just so everyone knows, if you have a swb the brackets Nate sells will not work without modification, we are currently working with Nate though to get some working swb brackets made up.


has this been verified? i always thought that there was no difference between SWB and LWB bumper brackets.


and i like the bumper after the mods to the width were made. otherwise it seems like they didnt even measure the actual width when they made it.

I can't help you as far as if they are the same or not. Not sure what the LWB mounts look like. It seems like they are the same since you don't specify which one you have when youre ordering.

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He prototyped em on a LWB so only makes one type of bracket.. on my SWB when i bolted em on normally they sit at a wierd angle where the bumper itself bolts on, which makes it weaker I would imagine.

I don't think mine sits at a weird angle. It seems to be where its supposed to and it bolted right up.

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Maybe mine is different, here's some pictures..


Stock bracket on top, Nate's bracket on bottom

Mounting location


As you can see, mine has some weird plate where the shackle bolts in there.. the stock bracket has a bend in it to avoid it.. Nate's bracket does not.

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