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leaking slave cylinder...

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Noticed that my fluid level has been dropping about every two months. I checked the master cylinder and the hose that connects the slave cylinder to the master cylinder. I suppose this means my slave cylinder is leaking. My question is what are the consequences of not changing the slave cylinder? I don't have the money right now to change it. Will this lead to further complications or will I just have to refill fluid every now and again?

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Ahh, ya got the dreaded internal slave, that sucks.

Don't hold me to this but the only thing I might see happening is fluid getting on the clutch and cause it to slip if the leak is bad enough. Not sure though. I'm sure somebody will jump in and correct me if that's not right.

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Also check your drum brake wheel cylinders. Those can leak as well and are fairly easy to change out.


Could this be the problem instead of the slave cylinder? I know the P.O. said something about leaking brakes, but he also said he fixed the problem... :hmm:

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So now I'm confused...


are we talking about a clutch or brakes??


Clutch, I think I got confused as well. If the reservoir is losing fluid then the only places it could leak from are either the master cylinder, the hose or the slave cylinder correct?

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So now I'm confused...


are we talking about a clutch or brakes??


Clutch, I think I got confused as well. If the reservoir is losing fluid then the only places it could leak from are either the master cylinder, the hose or the slave cylinder correct?




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So now I'm confused...


are we talking about a clutch or brakes??


Clutch, I think I got confused as well. If the reservoir is losing fluid then the only places it could leak from are either the master cylinder, the hose or the slave cylinder correct?





Sorry! I've been working on my brakes lately and zoned out, with my brain thinking brakes instead of clutch.

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