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My mj seems to have an annoying draft. It's had it for a while now. It comes through the HVAC vents, yes the blower is off. I can switch the HVAC controls to any position, (heat,defrost,vent,etc..) and the draft follows. It only does it while driving. The heater pulls air through the cowl right? Is there some sort of valve that is supposed to close to stop the air?


Thanks :wrench:


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I have the same issue. I'd read that someone said it was the inner shift boot. I've purchased one and installed it now... Just waiting to see if I feel the cool air... It attaches to the floor pan sealing out air. I only found it at

Quadratec It fit perfectly all though it doesn't list our vehicle. Mine was torn really bad.

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mine is basically not there...haven't gotten to fixing it yet. But how would that cause the air to come out of the vents?





On mine it felt as if the air was coming out of the lower vents all the time. My guess is the air from under the vehicle came out the top of the console and it just felt like it was coming from those two vents. Maybe your problem is the mixer, but I would think you'd feel it on all vents as you switched the locations if it was slipping not just the two lower.

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The draft cones out of different places depending on what the control is set to. If I set it to vent then It only comes out of the vents on the front of the dash, If I set it to defrost then it only comes out of the vents on the top of the dash. etc...



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From what I've noticed with mine is if it is not on hot all the way i get air through the vent selection. If you're getting cold air or a draft when it is all the way on hot then your mixer cable needs adjusted as mentioned before. its easy to see look under the dash on the passenger side and move the hot cold selector back and forth to find the lever. if it is bottoming out on the knob when at hot, then you should not feel a draft. I do not think there is any other sort of damper, if it is set to off that just turns the fan off and puts the diverter in a rest position. So if cold is still selected i think air will still pass through as the "mixer" or damper will allow air to pass, atleast this is the behavior of mine. So it's possible mine is defunct too with the on off selector, but if i put mine to off and hot, then i do not get a draft.

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