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Does this usually happen?

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Fiddles around with the truck for the first time in god knows how long today. Weather was real nice so I decided to do some gauge swapping. :D :wrench:


Back when I put the new cluster in, my gauges were the AMC read out ones (upgraded from dummy lights) and looked like this.


Everything but the Temp and Oil gauge worked, and today, I put in an XJ Oil and Temp gauge. The Oil gauge works as it should, and I believe the Temp is working as well, but didn't see any drastic increase in temperature like I figured should happen, but that's not my main concern right now.


The problem is, after I put in the new gauges, my Gas and Tach gauges stopped working completely. :redX: I checked all the connections, grounds, and everything else I could think of that would affect either of them, and nothing was wrong. Has this happened before to any of you? What do you guys suggest I do to fix this? I have another Gas gauge to swap in from the XJ I picked from, but I don't have another tach. It's strange, because I don't think I've ever seen this happen to anyone else before.... :hmm: :dunno:

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Did you change the sending units? There are different sending units for the gauges and dummy lights.

Yeah, I did way back when. The sending unit change only pertains to the Oil and Temp gauge, which aren't the problem here. Unfortunately I wish they were though, lol.

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when you reassembled the cluster did you damage the foil board on the back? is the connector plugged in completely? those would cause the tach to potentially stop working.. was it working after you had it calibrated for the 4 cylinder engine? as for the speedometer not working it should be cable driven..


best thing to do is inspect the foil board on the back for any damage


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when you reassembled the cluster did you damage the foil board on the back? is the connector plugged in completely? those would cause the tach to potentially stop working.. was it working after you had it calibrated for the 4 cylinder engine? as for the speedometer not working it should be cable driven..


best thing to do is inspect the foil board on the back for any damage


No, I did not damage the board. It looks exactly the same as when I first put the entire cluster in. The connector is completely to the board, and I never calibrated it from when you shipped it to me. When I first put it in, it worked, but was about 1000 RPMs off from where it should be. The speedometer works fine (never posted that the speedo is broken?? :redX: :hmm: Everyone seems to be misguided here that everything else is broken? ), its just the tachometer and gas gauge that are the culprits here.


Another theory I have. Does anyone know if the 2.5 gauges put out less OHMs than the 4.0's? Or do both gauge types (2.5/4.0) put out the same power? Because since I installed them, my backboard lighting behind the gauges doesn't work. :redX: :nuts: I'm going to remove the new XJ units I put in and see if the Gas gauge and Tach start working again. Will post results here. As always, the feedback is appreciated. And, I'll probably go with Pete's theory. Never trust JY stuff. Especially important things like readout gauges....

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