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Hotel funny


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honestly i would of said something back to that. like "go @#$% yourself b*@$£ or would you rather lets @#$% so i don't have to watch porn." :rotfl2:


seriously even if you were joking and she wasnt. it was unprofessional of her.....unless she was joking. in which case you have to try to bang her

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Did ya all hear the one about a midget, 4 prostitutes, a Nun, a pony, a traveling sex toy salesman and a politicion? They were in the woods looking for a tree stump when,,,,,,,,,,OOOPS forgot this was a family site. El :thwak: Jimbo.

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I just made this my facebook status!


I didn't realize you were one of those people.


I havent put a new post on facebook in more than a year now. I just use it to keep up with family, as I live 800 miles from all of them. I'm not one that posts every thing I do on there like some people. I don't see how some of them find the time to do as much as they do.... its crazy. I just thought this would be a good funny to post. :thumbsup:

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