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AX15 bellhousing question (going to JY tomorrow)

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will any jeep ax15 bell housing mount to my 1988 4.0? I am doing the BA10 to AX15 swap.. and what type of bell housing should i get? (i know one with an external slave would be the best rout.) but my mec. was saying something about the Crank shaft sensor being in a different spot from the BA10..


My predictions I told him about the BA10 where correct.. He did not believe me when i said that it most likely broke and that it would cost an arm and a leg to rebuild.

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yes. any Jeep AX-15 bellhousing will work. I've got a TJ one in my 88. crank sensor is in the same spot and you must re-use the CPS from your 88.


and I'd start looking for a new mechanic. or better yet, I now do that work myself. :D

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Make sure you get the correct size pilot bearing for the year of transmission you are installing. The clutch kit I bought for my external slave swap was for a later model transmission and had a pilot bearing that was too large for my earlier model ax-15. I had to run back to the parts store and buy a pilot bearing for my early model trans.

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