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New to comanches...What is this sensor?

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My first post since joining...and probably a stupid questions so go easy on me


What the heck is this sensor? I crawled under to change my oil for the first time and saw this on the drivers side rear of the engine. Looks like the connector busted and the PO got creative with some bailing wire to hole things together. Wondering if this is the source of my hesitation under light acceleration?


Close up:


From further back for more perspective:


Thanks for any help.



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Of the 4.0L's,

only the 1987-90 Renix engines have that knock sensor.


Basically, the computer is set up with a more aggressive timing curve than the later HO's,

and it uses the knock sensor to tell it when to retard the timing.


That said, I've run Renix 4.0L's with the knock sensor, and did not experience the hesitation you have.

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That said, I've run Renix 4.0L's with the knock sensor, and did not experience the hesitation you have.

:agree: I would start simpler. Cap, rotor, plugs, and wires. You'd be amazed how often people think they have a problem, when all they really need is a good tune-up!
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